Tomi Lahren is the host of a segment on TheBlaze titled “Final Thoughts.” She’s just 24. Before her segment on TheBlaze, she was previously the host of On Point with Tomi Lahren on the One America News Network (OAN). She gained much of her fame this past year with her “Final Thought” monologs. Each video gains millions of views on Facebook for it's loud and aggressive commentary on pertinent political and social issues. Lahren is considered extremely conservative and seems uncompromising in her views.
This past week Lahren went on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. Noah discussed some of Lahren’s most recent controversial videos. These included her videos on the Black Lives Matters movement and on Collin Kaepernick. The interview starts out with Noah asking why Lahren is always so angry, something I've always wondered myself.
Lahren always uses a loud, assertive, and aggressive tone of voice in her "Final Thought" videos. This is something I've always thought delegitimized her points because she just seems to be mad about everything. After stating that she isn't, in fact always angry, Lahren justifies her tone of voice by saying she just calls people on their sh*t.
When asked if she's a conservative, Lahren states that she's a millennial so she doesn't really like labels, but yes she is conservative in thought. This is something that's amused the audience and myself. It's easy to think of all conservatives as old fashioned, and not at all forward thinking, however this is one thing that Lahren says she has adopted. However, if we compare actions to words, this isn't really the case. She frequently labels liberals as one big group, not giving them the same varied and nuanced ideals that she gives her own party. She labels protestors and members of popular political movements into a singular characteristic. So while Lahren may say she doesn't like labels she certainly likes labeling.
Noah asks very pointed questions to Lahren which she mostly avoids answering. She turns each question around to something else. Noah repeatedly tries to get her to move off Trump and talk about political issues which is something she seems unwilling to do.
Speaking of Trump, Lahren initially wasn't the biggest fan of our recent president-elect. Clearly, she's warmed up to him quite a bit. The interview and her show, at times, runs like a Trump ad, constantly pushing his good qualities on viewers. The young political commentator has a lot of similarities to Trump. She likes to call people names. This is a fact you can't annoy. She calls protestors crybabies.
When she comments on issues like Jesse Williams BTA Award's speech she doesn't say just why his speech was, as some felt, inappropriate or incorrect. Instead, she slams Beyonce, Jada Pinket Smith, and Al Sharpton. She tells Williams that he's playing the victim and that Williams perpetuates a "war on cops." While Williams speech was controversial, so were Lahren's remarks. She says that Williams is privileged and that white people freed the slaves, so thank them.
Lahren showed in this interview that she doesn't really want to discuss issues, she wants to talk about them. She wants to tell people she's right. The thing that hit me hardest about the interview was how Noah made some amazing points. I had never thought about some of the issues discussed in the way that either side was talking about them. I learned something. It pushed me to do some research and think about my views on controversies like Collin Kaepernick and the Black Lives Matter Movement. Ultimately, that's all you can ask from an interview like this, people across the United States taking a second to think about the important issues in a different way.
I'll leave you with Lahren's "Final Thoughts" on the interview.