Are you Prioritizing Yourself? | The Odyssey Online
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Are you Prioritizing Yourself?

Self-care has become so broad and there is no conversation about how to actually make yourself a priority.

Are you Prioritizing Yourself?

What are your priorities?

Do you actively devote time to yourself?

How have you grown from the person you were a year ago?

Self-care has become so broad and there is no conversation about how to actually make yourself a priority.

On a daily basis, we are in a routine either with work or with class. Typically, taking care of yourself is not in the routine because we hold other things to a higher importance than ourselves.

Making yourself a priority means really reflecting on who you are, what you want, and what you need. It's really about looking into yourself then making time for yourself in your daily routine.

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities" - Stephen Covey

Become a priority in your life.

How do you want to grow in a year from now?

Personally, I will not be the same person in a year. I will have graduated with my Bachelors's and will be actively working on my career while furthering my education. I will be in even better shape because I am working out more consistently. Also, my relationship with God will be stronger because I am seeking wisdom through His word.

I expect myself to have flourished mentally, physically, and spiritually.

How do you view yourself?

Our views about ourselves are essential because they affect your mindset.

They determine how we treat ourselves and how we allow others to treat us as well. Get to know yourself by discovering what you value and what you desire, when you're happy or sad.

Take time to unfold what makes you who you are. This will then begin to manifest into how you treat yourself and even how you go about your daily routine.

I build my confidence in many ways. For example, I enjoy fashion, one, because it's a creative outlet for me and too, because when you look good, you feel good. I get to express myself and look good while doing it.

Essentially, mindset determines how we view and live out our lives. When you think about it, everything happens on a mental level before it manifests on the physical level.

How often do you appreciate yourself or your life?

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around" - Willie Nelson.

Every morning, I journal about my day, I make a gratitude list then I pick something to do to make myself feel good. This can be a face mask, affirmations, treating myself to dinner, singing to Lizzo, making time for myself, etc.

The important thing is that you start making yourself a priority in your life. You acknowledge your blessings, big or small. You take the time whether five or thirty minutes to treat yourself with kindness.

It starts with you. As a result, you begin looking at yourself differently, treating others differently and creating your atmosphere more positive.

Are you prioritizing yourself? Start now.

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