25 Apologies From A New Yorker To My New Southern Friends
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25 Apologies From A New Yorker To My New Southern Friends

I know what I've done.

25 Apologies From A New Yorker To My New Southern Friends
The Mason Dixon Line History Homepage

Although we are a part of the great United States, sometimes it feels like the land above and below the Mason-Dixon line are two completely different worlds. I left my home in Rochester, New York on a whim to move to Nashville, Tennessee, where I’ve since gone to college, had too much fun and made friends and memories that I could never imagine my life without. I’ve fit in pretty well for the most part, but there are certain things about me that I’m sure make me stick out from the other belles and might seem strange for those who have spent the majority of their lives in the southern states. When I was at work waiting on tables, I was informed by a family that they could tell from my accent I wasn’t from around here. They said (and I’m pretty sure were only half joking) that I was “a damn Yankee” because I chose to move down here and stay, but there is still time for me to be “a good Yankee” and leave. I considered pouring some unsweetened tea where their sweet tea used to be on their next refill, but I plastered on my sweet smile and carried on with my day. Now I consider myself a kind and genuine person, but if one more time when I apologize for the occasionally dropped F-bomb, I hear “it’s okay, it’s because you’re a Yankee,” I’m going to lose my entire Empire State of mind.

All that being said, I respectfully acknowledge the obvious cultural differences between my new friends and myself. I love my new home and my new southern friends, and I realize y’all (LOOK AT THAT!) put up with a lot. So from the bottom of my cold New Yorker heart (haha just joking) here are some sincere (not joking) apologies that hopefully clear up any misunderstanding, confusion, or….whatever.

1. Sorry for the face I make when someone says “OH MY GOODNESS YOU’RE FROM NEW YORK!”

I know exactly what you’re thinking.

2. And for getting slightly defensive when I explain I live six hours from NYC and I hear "....oh."

3. I’m sorry for the times I’ve made girls think that I’m calling them men.

My use of “you guys” is the same as you saying “y’all”...I promise.

4. Sorry for saying that the pizza down here kinda sucks compared to NY pizza.

But seriously, please try New York pizza.

5. And for dramatically choking on my first sip of sweet tea.

It really did go down the wrong pipe. I still think it tastes like sugar water, but we’ll agree to disagree.

6. And for ever fighting you on the concept of biscuits and gravy.

They’ve really grown on me. On my thighs…they’ve grown on my thighs.

7. Sorry for insisting to ride in the truck bed when it's nice outside.


8. Sorry I talk so fast.

It's always been a problem, but I think I speak even faster now to make up for lost time.

9. And that my voice can get a little nasally.

10. Sorry that it may occasionally seem that I'm rushing you.

My mind is accustomed to moving a mile a minute, and I'm still getting used to the slow pace of things.

11. Sorry that I giggle every time you say "buggie." (grocery cart)

12. Speaking of groceries, I really am sorry that you don’t have a Wegmans (the greatest grocery store)...And that I mention it an annoying amount of times.

13. Sorry for rolling my eyes when school gets cancelled for a little cold rain.

Lakes freeze solid, but to school we still have gone.

14. And for reminding you that Wegmans would never run out of milk and bread.

15. Sorry for telling you stories of sledding and snow forts when I was a kid.

16. And snowball fights.

17. And for constantly telling you about all the people that need to meet you.

18. Sorry that in the spring I think 50 degrees is T-shirt and bare feet weather.

19.Sorry for playing southern-style dress up in your things.

20. Sorry for overdoing it on the Tennessee Whiskey a little at first.

Those days are over.

21. Sorry for my occasional (or frequent) use of profanity.

I have no excuse for this one. I'm working on it

22. Sorry for enthusiastically telling everyone about trash plates.

You may think I'm crazy, but this is no joke.

23. Sorry for an excessive use of sarcasm.

24. And on the other side of the line...Sorry for being sometimes a little too honest.

I tend to say what no one else will.

25. Most of all, (I guess) I'm sorry for being a "damn Yankee," cause I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I love you guys.

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