Annoying Things Every College Student Understands | The Odyssey Online
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Annoying Things Every College Student Understands

An annoying list of daily struggles every college student endures.

Annoying Things Every College Student Understands
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Kicking off the third week of college is... (excuse me while I chug my coffee and chase it with Red Bull) tiring. While it has not been quite long enough into the semester for the freshmen to pipe down on the whole "I'm a college student" act, it has surely been long enough for me to want to throw in the towel. I have never claimed to have much patience, but when I am on campus I have little to none. So this could very well come off as a rant, and I apologize reader if it does, but come on!

1. There are too many slow walkers.

Sidewalk rage is a real thing, and I happen to be amongst its victims. So pick up the speed Barbara, or get out of the way! I am the person that zooms by in the grass just to get out of the herd trotting along. Sorry, but most college students have somewhere to be in a little amount of time. Not to mention I will have to go to the bathroom before class which we all know that takes longer then the slow herd getting to class. Which brings me to my next point.

2. I am sick of standing in line outside of the restroom, to use the restroom.

The girls restroom is absolutely ridiculous. The notorious and dreaded line curves around in the bathroom and then enters the hallway where lucky passersby are made publicly aware that I have to go pee. Just pee...

When you finally enter the restroom you get some sort of relief, but continue to wait in line crowded by girls fixing their makeup and or girls who travel in packs and are waiting for the last one to flush (freshmen).

3. Waiting in line to print off homework.

Okay, I clearly hate waiting in line. So I will skip every possible way I could complain about that (and there are many). However, there is probably nothing that annoys me more on campus then when you go to put the paper you just paid for into the printer... and the printer begins printing before you even pressed "print." Which either means that the lazy person before you didn't cancel their unfinished printing session or someone went ahead and printed their material using your paper and skipping the line.

... I can not appropriately tell you how that makes me feel. Reader, try to imagine.

4. Finding a parking spot.

If you want a good parking spot, I suggest you arrive at school before 8 am, between 11-12 pm, or after 4 pm. Those are the sacred time slots, I have come to learn. If not, you will be joining me blocks and blocks away. By the time you actually book it to class (and you will have to because you wasted too much time hoping you would luck out and find a parking spot someone had just left) you will be huffing and puffing. Don't expect to talk for the next ten minutes. Excuse me professor, just trying to catch my breath still, thank you!

In all fairness, I am an exceptional parallel parker because of it.

5. You have every single stereotypical college student in your class.

By now, you already know every single person in the room like a re-write of The Breakfast Club. There is the one who talks, all the time. Either they are mostly right, or mostly wrong. Regardless, they love the sound of their voice and they feel obligated to share it with everyone. There is the mysterious (sometimes just weird) student who shares here and there with the class. It is always something in left field though. There is awkward silence after they speak because the professor is still trying to figure out what it is they actually said. Or there are the students that are similar to me. You show up, don't share or participate unless you are absolutely forced to against your will. You can feel your face turn hot as your heart rate increases. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all looking at you, look away! Lastly, there are the ones you probably don't know because they never show up.

6. Your professors refuse to believe that you are enrolled in any other classes other than their own.

This is real. This semester alone I had two professors jokingly (or honestly) admit that they believe their classes are the most important and therefore you should spend most of your time outside of class studying the material. Of course, you won't be given a choice because they will load you up on homework whether or not you agree.

Happy studying!

7. You are broke from eating on campus.

Be prepared to spend your last nickel and dime (if you hadn't already on tuition) on mediocre food. I highly suggest, bring your own.

Maybe it is my senioritis flaring up, or if I am being honest, maybe I have never had the patience for these sort of things. Like every year, I will endure it until the last day of the semester when I have not a drop of energy or effort left. Unfortunately for us reader, the semester has just begun and this list will surely increase with every (slowly) passing day.

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