7. The "shoulder" superheroes | The Odyssey Online
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10 Annoying Things At The Most Magical Place on Earth

Everybody loves Disney, but hates these types of people.

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We've all been around annoying people before. Everywhere you go there are certain people that seem as if they were made to ruin your day. For example: the jerk riding your butt on the expressway, the irritating co-worker that doesn't shut up, and of course the snap-chatting, seat-kicking imbecile in the movie theater. If you don't relate to any of these, well you must have a pretty smooth life then. Or maybe you just have your own entourage of annoying things or people that happen in your life.

Anyways, my point is that there are so many different kinds of rude people. If you're a Disney fan and you have been to Disney world, you know there is a certain breed of annoying we like to call "the Disney tourists". These are the people that maybe don't know certain rules about the park, or were forced to go on a Disney vacation with their family or friends. "The Disney tourists" have no knowledge on how to act in a park.

So, here is my interpretation of "the Disney tourists" and what you can do to avoid them, and allow the Disney magic to continue without trouble.

1. The line-cutters and savers


When there are two lines for a ride and a sign that says "use both sides", guess what? Both sides are going to eventually make it to the ride. People need to stop jumping over barriers to cut into the line that moves first. Be patient, we are all getting to the same place!

Also, stop saving people places in line for a ride if you are almost to the front and the rest of your party has to move past all of the people behind you to get to where you are. Especially if you have a fast pass, just wait for your group to meet up and then get in line for the ride or attraction.

2. The "drunk" stroller drivers


Some people know how to control their strollers, and some people just don't. If you have a large stroller, don't go running around the parks with it, especially when it's crowded! Also, if your child is older than eight (and I'm being generous with eight), they are perfectly capable of walking themselves.

3. The overprotective parents


I've seen so many parents punish their kids for no reason at all, and they are mean. Pushing, grabbing, and hitting, some parents seriously take it too far. You're just going to make your child more upset, and today is supposed to be a magical day for them. On the other hand, I have also seen kids much older than single digits be herded by their parents even though they are only stepping four feet away from them. Yikes!

4. The under-protective parents


One thing I really dislike seeing is lost children. I understand that "Disney World" is gigantic and crazy, but too often I see parents distracted by other things and not watching their kids. There have been times where children are fighting, running ahead just to climb all over the attraction, and even standing up on some rides just to see better. The parents either aren't watching, don't care, or think it's funny.

Next, I have to say this is the most common one. Parents who keeps their kids out in the hot sun for hours and do nothing when they start to becoming tired, dehydrated, hungry, or physically exhausted. Please take care of your young ones. Don't punish them for being tired because you decided to stay at "Magic Kingdom" for over 12 hours.

5. The rude bus riders


Simply put, the people who don't give up their seats on the bus to people who are heat exhausted, young, pregnant, disabled, etc, SUCK.

6. The profanity people


Okay so, you're at "Disney World". Plenty of young children around, please do not swear so loud that the whole universe can hear you!

7. The "shoulder" superheroes


Repeat after me. You are not a superhero dad for putting your kids on your shoulders during the fireworks show. Hold them eye level with you on your side. If you can see, they can see. This way, EVERYBODY behind you and around you can see.

8. The complainers


Please don't be that person that complains about every little detail while at Disney. Especially don't be that person who is overly-sassy to cast members. Imagine what they go through every day. You can ask nicely for whatever it is that you need.

Just the other day I was at "Casey's Corner" in the "Magic Kingdom", and a guy was complaining to the cast member about the diet button on the lid to his drink. Apparently they gave him a diet but just didn't push down the diet button. Well, if they gave you a diet just drink it and don't complain! Who cares if the button wasn't pressed down on it?

9. The magic stealers


These are the chums that get up and leave during the end of a performance.

10. The disrespectful downers


Anybody who disrespects Walt Disney and his imagination, his creations, or his park will have to deal with me. I can't stand the people who disrespect Walt and his park but yet they paid to be there? That makes no sense. If you are going to say "It's A Small World" is boring, that's fine but don't take it further by saying it's a stupid idea or that it should be burned down.

Do you even know what the concept of "It's A Small World" is? It's about no matter who you are, where you come from, or what your background is, we all share the same planet. Don't disrespect Walt's ideas, they are certainly better than your complaints.

What you can do if you spot any of these people? Please don't make it worse by fighting with our families. It just causes a scene, and makes the Disney experience worse for everyone. If you are polite, and ask people to please not be disrespectful, that is the best way to deal with annoying tourists. Thank you for reading and sorry for my rants! I hope you can ignore these people on your next Disney vacation.

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