To the person who never loved me,
I am no longer sad.
No longer am I crying in my bed every night because of the phone call I didn’t receive. There were months where I didn’t feel worthy of your love and months where I sacrificed everything to try to be with you. In return, you pretended to care about my feelings and made sure I was still interested because all you ever wanted was attention from me. Through all of the nasty remarks and the terrible things you did to me, I kept having hope that one day things would be different between us. I kept hoping you would turn into this amazing person who would love and take care of me when I needed you most.
You didn’t change.
In fact, you left me when you got bored, leaving me brokenhearted and alone. You never really loved me, and I didn’t understand why.
What you did to me left me emotionally scarred and forced me to build walls between me and all of my relationships. I feared that if I let anyone in, they would just leave me like how you left me. I hated how much of an impact you made on my life. I hated that with everywhere I went, I saw you in my mind. You left a scar on my heart, and I thought that I would never get over what happened.
But then, I did get over it. Although it took months of healing and regaining trust in others, finally, I started to be okay.
I started surrounding myself with people who actually did love me. The people who never made me feel worthless or alone. Through them, I started to realize how stupid I was to think you were ever anything worth fighting for. They made me realize that in fact it was you who wasn’t worthy of my love. Even though you left me, I found people who prove to this day that they will never leave me.
In a way, thank you for leaving. Without the awful experience of knowing you, I was able to find people to take care of me when people like you decide to mess up my life.
So how are you?
Never mind. I don’t feel the need to care about that anymore.