I will just come out and say it, I am a hopeless romantic. I like to think that all the Nicholas Sparks films are based on some form of authenticity and that big romantic gestures still exist. I like to believe in love, love that is both powerful and overwhelming.
This has always been my way of thinking, as I grew up constantly reading the Disney stories where the Prince falls head over heels for the girl. I grew up loving fantasy and lusting after something similar to this.
Many people, however, are opposite of the hopeless romantic. They believe that one must focus on reality and that this idea of wishing for a world-wind romance is absurd and distracting. I disagree with this because for the hopeless romantics out there similar to me, there are certain qualities we possess. They are qualities that benefit us and mold us into the people we are.
First off, we possess hope. While, yes, I know the term is "hopeless" romantic, this doesn't actually coincide with the term itself. Hopeless romantics hold onto this feeling of desire and anticipation for both love but also many other aspects of their life. They have big dreams and they believe in chasing after them, which can lead towards a bright future.
Next, we possess intelligence. As a hopeless romantic, one holds many things to a greater standard and has expectations for their future. They are intelligent about whom they choose to date, the decisions they make, their career choices, and so on.
We also possess creativity. Being a romance enthusiast shows that you like to think outside the box. One believes in using their imagination often and this thus sparks their creative gene. This is an advantage in life because in today's society many people are searching for originality because that's how you stand out in this world, but as a hopeless romantic, you have it.
Finally, we possess commitment. One who holds so strongly onto this idea of love most often will know that once they receive it, they should never let it go. They will be committed to both their lover, among various other things in their life. And this is a quality that many admire and wish to have.
For us, being hopeless romantics is not something we should be ashamed of. It doesn't necessarily mean we are blind to the world, but it means we believe that to us there is still hope for something more out there. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a love that is both beautiful and all-consuming, a love that reminds one of the fairytales. Dreaming of this only pushes us to want what we deserve in life. Being a hopeless romantic is a whirl-wind but also a gift.