An Open Letter To The Friends That Left
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An Open Letter To The Friends That Left

Friends will always come and go, and with each relationship you learn some and lose some.

An Open Letter To The Friends That Left

It's funny how time flies, life grows with a person but sometimes not every person that has touched someone's life grows with them. And like we all say, that is okay, life moves forward and other people flow in. We thank you for most of the memories and move forward making new ones elsewhere, but that doesn't always cover up the pain that came with a lost friend.

You were there for my high school years, growing old together, spending everyday after school at each other's houses, attending each others sports events and concerts. Then we both graduated and started working together, growing our friendship into one of the best relationship's I've had with a friend. We went through ups and downs, long days at work and then long nights at the gym, cooking dinner, or out getting slushies and snacks for our Nashville marathons. Your mom became "my mom", your brothers achievements were celebrated by me too, Christmas Eve Mass, Sorority Formals, and Summer Weddings were regular events. At work we were known as "two peas in the pod" and I couldn't agree more. Even though we've grown apart, I love watching you continue this amazing life you have. Everyday I think of you and hope all is going well.

You were there through my first year away at college, we didn't know each other until we met in a college club that drew us both in because of our interests. We grew together at late night practices, football tailgates and games, roommate sleepovers, and finding out back home we were only 25 minutes apart. You took me in and made me feel like the luckiest person in the world, showing me off to all your friends from high school, letting me be a part of family functions and vacations, spending nights talking for hours and car rides full of loud singing to broadway show tunes. You made me see my worth, you made me feel important, and I am so sorry I had to leave and miss you everyday. But I see you excelling and becoming an amazing nurse, creating so many more friendships where I'm sure you'll help them see what they can't imagine too. You're going to go so far in life and I can't wait to see it all unfold.

It was my second time moving out of my parents, we were so excited to live together and be close to school and just be able to go through it all together. That apartment has so many incredible memories, one's that I absolutely love and one's I'd rather forget. You always know how to brighten my day and always made sure I was aware of how much you cared. You worked your butt off in school, at work, in the sorority, and in your personal relationships, all while dealing with big troubles and life's harsh happenings. You made people feel like a star, someone worth knowing, overtime you saw them. You rave about your passions and are stronger than hell with your troubles. With a big family change, you had to grow up real quick, and I hope you know I loved every second of growing with you. When you spoke at my Senior Send Off my heart was so warm, you're my best friend, you always will be. No matter if we've spoken recently, if we disagree, or if you think I've forgotten, you mean the world to me and you always will. Ohana right?

Although, most of the friendships that have faded by are ones I still follow up on, there are always a couple that just were not meant to stay.

You used me to have a place to stay after you got out of work. You made my roommates and I feel like heaven with your smooth words, gifts, and pep talks. You stayed late and brought us food when we thought the world was ending, you took care of us when we were sick or hurt and made it seem like you truly cared and would be there no matter what. It's funny though because it is very clear that you, of all people, you're the one who could care less. And I truly don't have any other words for you.

This is more recent, but still worth speaking of. You went through major ups and downs, I trusted you with everything and you did the same. You had my back and I had yours and multiple other people who are in your life. But then a friendship became less than that, more like an internship. I was your go to for you problems, you only spoke to me when your life went up in flames, or when you needed help with the other people in your life, or when you just couldn't be at home. And when I wouldn't answer you or tell you what you wanted to hear, you'd contact my mom.. cute. You were perfectly fine by yourself, doing things by yourself, taking other people with you, but you still made me come along. There was even a time when my aunt passed away earlier that day and you had no clue until a lot later that night and texted me about it, "I'm sorry". Yeah me too. I don't like being used, I don't like being told what to do by peers, I don't like fighting for absolutely everything I say or want to do, and I don't like trying to talk to someone who constantly thinks they know everything and think they're right. I could go on and on, but I'm moving forward with my life and haven't heard from you. So for once, looks like we're one the same page.

Friends will always come and go, and with each relationship you learn some and lose some. Life is hard enough and toxic relationships aren't worth your time. But vise versa, life is hard enough, so cherish the friendships you have and always remind someone how important they are to you.

Keep the memories, not the bull. Not everything lasts forever and that's okay. Realize your worth and put yourself in a position for success.

To the friends that have left, I wish you all the best truly. But I am happy with my life and where I am now. Some of you helped me get here, some made me realize I needed this more than you. Either way, every picture, gift, story, and memory are all kept.

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