An Open Letter To Brock Turner's Family
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An Open Letter To Brock Turner's Family

It's about time someone said something.

An Open Letter To Brock Turner's Family

Every day this week it seems like something new and even more terrible surfaces about the Stanford Rapist story/case. Most recently, it came out that Brock Turner had actually sent photos to his friends during the assault, furthering the point that he knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

Something that really sparked my anger and interest this week were the letters' his parents wrote to the judge, pleading for leniency, his mom even asking for no jail time. Here is the father's letter. Here is the mother's letter. I strongly recommend you read these before continuing on with my letter. Make sure you read the full letters for each.

Dear Brock Turner's Family,

I'm sure you are in shock and having a hard time, but, your son is a RAPIST. On January 17, 2015, your son took it upon himself to rape an innocent girl behind a dumpster, penetrate her with foreign objects, take photos and send them to his friends, and made someone a victim of sexual assault forever.

Mr. Turner, it's great that your son feels remorse for what he did, that means he at least has some human emotion left, but that's no reason to show lenience to a boy who has now made a woman scared of men for the rest of her life. Sexual assault is a forever impact, and a simple sorry will NEVER fix that. Then, you went on to describe what a wonderful person your son was. Again, none of that matters now, because he shattered the innocence and happiness of a beautiful young woman. Just because he wasn't a mean or violent kid, doesn't mean he can't be a rapist. Anyone can be a rapist. And unfortunately for you and your family, your son Brock Turner is one. It does not matter that your son was a good student, or a good athlete. Your son is not an intelligent student athlete with a mistake on his record, your son is a registered sex offender who is athletically inclined and a good educational background.

The victim does not care that he was good at spelling, the only thing she cared about was seeing justice. Which she was denied. You stated, "He will never be his happy go lucky self with that easy going personality and welcoming smile. His every waking minute is consumed with worry, anxiety, fear, and depression. You can see this in his face, the way he walks, his weakened voice, his lack of appetite." You are portraying Brock as the victim, when in reality he did this completely to himself. That poor girl will never be the same again, all because of the actions of your son. You claim that Brock should use this experience to go around and warn other students of the dangers of binge drinking. That's not what we want.

We do not want a rapist telling us not to drink so we don't get raped. Your son doesn't deserve a break because you are shocked and upset, your son is a rapist. More than likely, in three months, he will walk out of prison a free man, free to commit the same crime. You can't be so blind as to see the danger in that. But, the absolute worst thing that you said in your letter to the judge was this: "That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life." It was not 20 minutes of "action". Action implies some form of sexual activity, which is supposed to be consensual and both people are supposed to be conscious. Your son violated this girl against her will, that is not action, that is assault.

Mrs. Turner, your letter was disheartening as well. No one cares that you haven't decorated your new home, we care that you are excusing your son's criminal and repulsive behavior. You claim your family will "never be happy again," but that is completely on you. Your son shattered the lives of the victim and her family. No one is going to take pity on you for raising a kid who thought it was okay to do what he did. You write to the judge that you are going to talk about the "real" Brock Turner. The real Brock Turner raped a girl outside a college party at Stanford University last year. That's the real Brock Turner. "Nice guys" - like you claim him to be - can be rapists too. You went on for two pages on how great your son is, but literally none of that matters. How is what he received a "life-changing verdict"? He's basically spending a semester in prison because you and your husband made the judge feel bad about your favorite little swimmer. I don't give a shit that your kid had no prior record, he raped a girl one time. One time is too many times. He deserves all the restrictions he was given. He should not get to experience the pure joy of swimming in the Olympics, because who knows if the victim will ever experience pure joy again.

So, this is a letter from everyone to the family of Brock Turner. It is both absolutely horrifying and disgusting that not only are you defending your son's actions, but that your solution is to use his "experience" to educate others instead of actual justice for the severe crime he did commit. You need a reality check, your son is a rapist. This letter could be so much more hateful, and it would be completely warranted. But, I'm tired of giving your family all of this completely undeserved attention. We are standing with the victims and we will fight your ridiculous pleas to save your son from prison.

We will get justice for the beautiful young woman your son took advantage of. We will stop victim blaming and change the normality of rape culture.


A Human Being

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