An Ariana Grande Song For Every Major
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An Ariana Grande Song For Every Major

Because everyone has at least one song they can relate to.

An Ariana Grande Song For Every Major

Ariana Grande is one of my personal favorite artists, but I truly feel that her music can be appreciated by people of all ages and backgrounds. Whether it's her Nickelodeon era singing songs for Victorious and Sam & Cat, or her new boss babe album Thank You, Next, she is able to appeal to all audiences. One group I feel she particularly appeals to is college students. Her songs are always playing at college parties and dorm halls, and I feel that students from all majors can find a song by her that resonates with what they're going through academically.

1. Business- Successful

This song is all about being young and successful, but still having fun while you do it. It's great for business majors who are just starting out and looking for some ~motivation~ that someday they can be young and successful just like Ari!

2. Nursing/Pre-Med- Get Well Soon

On top of the literal meaning of helping patients get well soon, this song talks about your "system [being] overloaded" and feeling "disconnected" from the world around you, which is more than true for students going into the medical field and spending hours studying in the library while their friends are all out partying!

3. Education- Fake Smile

As a teacher, it's your job to always be smiling and happy around the kids, even when you don't FEEL happy. Teachers go through a lot of ups and downs in their job, but Ari's statement "it's getting hard for them to shock me" probably pertains to most teachers after a few weeks on the job. And no matter what, they maintain that smile to reassure their kids that everything is a-okay.

4. Science- NASA

Sometimes you just want to get as far from your work as possible, even out of this universe. As Ari says, sometimes you just "need space" from it all (no pun intended). And besides, you can always relate it to the astronomy lesson that you're bound to get at some point in your science career.

5. English- Imagine

English majors need a lot of material for their papers, and sometimes, reality just isn't enough to make a great paper. Ari talks about "imagin[ing] a world" with the guy she loves where they're able to be together "like the movies", so basically she's writing her own fictional short story.

6. Math- Problem

This is definitely a throwback song of Ari's, but it's still a classic that everyone can enjoy. Her line "even though I hate ya, I wanna love ya" is probably pretty accurate after hours of doing work in a subject they love. Math majors have a lot of problems to solve, and once their work is done they feel "no weight on [their] shoulders" anymore.

7. Psychology- Just a Little Bit of Your Heart

Psych majors are always trying to read into other people's emotions, and sometimes they just want you to "tell [them] how [you] really feel" even though they know it isn't that easy. Even if they can't figure out all of your emotions, they'll be satisfied with just a little bit of them.

8. Dance/Fine Arts- One Last Time

Performing anything- whether it be instruments, dance, or singing, can be totally exhausting. Even when your professor says that you only have to perform the number one last time, it feels like the hardest task in the world after practicing for hours. And even still, you might still "feel like a failure" because it wasn't as perfect as you anticipated.

9. Engineering- Best Mistake

Engineers have to make so many mistakes before they can get something ~just~ right, and often times it can feel like a "total waste of time". But, in the end, you have to hope that each mistake was the best one yet, and that it will eventually lead you to something perfect!

10. Government & Politics- Side to Side

Politicians are often forced to take sides on a wide variety of issues, and reading the news reports on them can sometimes feel like the political parties are pulling you side to side trying to prove that they're the correct ones. In the end, you can find yourself "[there] all night" and "all day" and still not knowing which party you side with.

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