An American's Guide To The British Language
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An American's Guide To The British Language

Ello chap, ow ar u?

An American's Guide To The British Language
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This week I flew across the world to the UK, and have been immersed in lovely British accents and many croissants. I thought it would be easy. They speak English, right? How hard could it be. Plus I watch "Doctor Who," so I am basically an expert. This all came crumbling down as I was met with confused faces and many embarrassing moments of miscommunication. Learn from my mistakes, and prepare yourself.

1. Pavement

This is a sidewalk to any normal person, but in England it's called pavement. It actually makes no sense since the road is also pavement, but they won't get why you are confused.

2. To-Go Bag

A to-go bag is any American's way of saying "I would like this wrapped up to go" at a restaurant. They do not do that in the UK. You just finish your meal, apparently.

3. Pence

This is often confused with "pants" if not careful. When the lady at H&M asks if you would like "a bag for six pence" she is not asking if you would like to "get in her pants." It's a common mistake.

4. Posh

Apparently this is a "Chelsea" thing, where people like a lot of tea and say darling and sound super proper.

5. Properly

This does not mean proper in the sense of fancy. It's more of a "very" or "totally."

Ex. "I am properly screwed." This, in English, means "I'm f**ked."

6. Surname

They are not calling you a sir. It means last name, but your gut reaction may be to be offended. You get used to it.

7. Cutlery

What usually refers to a five star restaurant's fine dining silverware can literally be a plastic fork from McDonalds.

8. Flat

An apartment.

9. Lorry

A truck.

10. Loo

A bathroom. Why are they obsessed with calling objects after human names?

11. Trousers

Pants. They will laugh at you when you say pants, though.

12. Chav

Maybe like their version of a f**kboi, but it is not gender exclusive (yay equality!). I have had it described as someone who wears Adidas (pronounced "ah-did-as" as opposed to "a-deeee-das") and struts around a lot.

13. Lad

A male human.

14. Bin

Seems vague right? Maybe you use a bin to organize your clothes or have one on your desk for pencils and pens. Nope. It's trash. Or rubbish, sorry.

15. Toilet

This is quite confusing, especially when someone says they want to "wash their hands in the toilet." Do not be alarmed. The toilet, along with the seat that you do all your business in, is the actual room. They are most likely referring to the sink. Hopefully.

16. Straw

Ok. So you go into a restaurant. You order a coke. The waiter, who's been working all day and probably has quite grimy hands, puts your drink in front of you after smearing her sweat and germs all of the glass. Luckily there's a solution, right? Straws! Wrong. No straws. Straws are for the weak (Americans).

17. Uni

This prefix could mean anything. Maybe it's short for unicorn? Maybe it means unicycle? Maybe it means a sparkly unitard! It's university. They do their GCSE, which they all hate, and then chose four subjects for A-levels (no there are no B-levels or C-Levels) and then uni(versity).

18. Holiday

Wooo! Holidays are for presents and Santa (oops, Father Christmas) and big meals and no school. But how can you go on holiday? Do you declare today a national celebration or something? Nope, it's a vacation.

19. Queue

There is this theme of British people adding U's. I believe we removed needless Us from American phonetics after we got rid of you (I'm looking at you, Revolutionary War Britain). This is pronounced like the letter "Q" and means line.

20. Bant, short for banter

You know when you are talking to your bestie and you are like "OMG" and they are like "OMG" and you can communicate without even finishing sentences and you are on the same wavelength? That's great bant.

21. Boot

The boot of a car. This is a toughie. Do cars in the UK have feet? Do they wear knee-high socks? No. This is the trunk. Think of booty.

22. Safe

This is not determined by class, or school systems, or crime rates. Safe is cool. Safe is fresh. Safe is fun. Stay safe.

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