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The free event you can't afford to miss.


Have plans for Thursday night? If yes, then you'll want to cancel them. If no, then here's something fun, free and unforgettable that can fill your night! AFTER DARK has been running since 2000 and has hosted multiple events on college campuses across the nation. On Thursday night, Texas A&M gets the opportunity to host AFTER DARK with Joe White, Lecrae, Reed Robertson, and our own Trevor Knight in Reed Arena. Come out to Reed Arena at 8 PM to experience an evening of music and a message that can change your life!!

AFTER DARK was started by Joe White to provide an unforgettable, one-night event to over 40,000 college students. A one-night event where music and message combine to meet college students where they're at in life. The event not only brings college students together to hear award-winning musicians and the most compelling story in history, but also welcomes conversation and plants the idea that there is a great, authentic hope accessible to everyone. This year, Texas A&M has the privilege of hosting musical guests Lecrae, the Grammy award-winning hip hop artist, and Reed Robertson, the singer-songwriter seen on Duck Dynasty. Joe White, founder, and spokesman of AFTER DARK, will be introduced by Arkansas-slaying Trevor Knight to share the most captivating story known today, and to pose a question of ever-growing importance: "Is Jesus still relevant today?"

Whether you open your Bible every day, only go to church on holidays, or have never heard of this Jesus dude, the staff of AFTER DARK welcomes you to join in Reed Arena on Thursday night and hear this question be answered in a brand new way. Often times the gospel and God seem too disconnected from our college world. Often times Christianity may seem to mean that your life has to be together, that you have to have a major chosen or a job lined up, that you can't be messy; however, this isn't true. I won't pretend like I have all of the answers. But I will stand by the fact that I have been met in the darkest place by the perfect lamb. I will stand by the fact that in a world that seems to be deteriorating to shambles that I am so desperately in need of a greater hope. A hope that cannot be found in school, in family, in friends, or in this world. At AFTER DARK, you can hear about the ultimate love story of all time and the perfect sacrifice for a hopeless soul.

AFTER DARK welcomes Aggies from all walks of life. We are all broken in our own ways. We are all looking for something to fill us up, for something to make us whole. Whether you think you have the answer or are hopeless in ever finding the answer, come out to AFTER DARK on Thursday night and hear an answer that has been here forever in a new way.

While this isn't the first time for AFTER DARK to come to Texas A&M (actually, we currently hold the record for the biggest one yet), let's make this one better than the last!! Use this opportunity to get answers to your questions or to invite a friend to hear the good news that you have been dying to share with them. A free chance to meet Jesus right here on our campus - what a gift! Don't miss out on the free event that you can't afford to miss.

What: AFTER DARK, A one night event where music and message combine to meet college students where they're at in life.

When: September 29, 8 p.m.

Where: Reed Arena

Who: Lecrae, Reed Robertson, Trevor Knight, and Joe White

The Question: Is Jesus still relevant today?

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