Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens | The Odyssey Online
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20 Aesthetic Songs For Your Creative Playlist

Chill vibes for a day of creativity

person listening to all kinds of music

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A lot of things can inspire a persons creativity but the most common tool people use for inspiration is music. Certain artists, songs and aesthetics can inspire us to put our minds at our best. Whether the songs are up-beat or somber, they can give us inspiration that brings our creativity to life.

Here are 20 aesthetically pleasing songs that could help you in your creative endeavors.

Dead Girl In The Pool by Girl in Red

dead girl in the pool


This song has a dark title but an aesthetically pleasing sound that makes you want to dance around your room. Girl in Red is known for her aesthetic and unique music. Dead Girl in the Pool is the perfect tune for a calm day to gently sway around your room.

Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey

diet mountain dew


Diet Mountain Dew has this aesthetic of a psychotic sweetheart that is good to listen to before a night out or when you are using your creativity. Lana Del Rey is known for creating an aesthetic persona that we all love her for.

Bitches Broken Hearts by Billie Eilish

billie eilish


Bitches Broken Hearts has a good sound to it that is aesthetically pleasing and is good to listen to when studying or trying to find inspiration. Billie Eilish has became well-known for her unique aesthetic music and is continuing to build her music empire.

Vanilla Baby- Billie Marten

vanilla baby


Vanilla Baby has a unique and peaceful sound to it. It's a song to listen to when you want to find peace or relax on a summers day. It's song title and cover represents the songs aesthetic very well.

Wasting My Young Years by London Grammar

wasting my young years


Wasting My Young Years is a soft aesthetic song with the beautiful voice of Hannah Reid. The song is perfect for college students who are looking for their creativity or just need a song to relate to.

Overthinking by Acid Ghost



Overthinking is an aesthetically pleasing song that is good to get the creative juices flowing. It is a more up-beat song and is also a really good song to take a drive to.

American Money by BORNS

american money


American Money has an electric aesthetic and talks about love in a unique way. It is a song that can inspire creativity and also a good song to listen to when hanging out with friends.

I Get Overwhelmed by Dark Rooms

i get overwhelmed


I Get Overwhelmed was featured in the aesthetically pleasing movie A Ghost Story and creates the same eerie but beautiful aesthetic the movie had created. This song is a really good song to close your eyes and listen to for inspiration.

Drugs by Eden

drugs by eden


Drugs has a dark aesthetic that is very inspirational and relatable, it is for people who are going through a lot and can inspire those people. It's sound also can be good for when you want to buckle down and let your creativity run through your mind.

Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood

daddy issues


Daddy Issues is another sort of dark aesthetic that can also be very relatable. It talks about a hard topic but also is a love song. This song is good to listen to and can inspire you.

Seventeen by Sharon van Etten

seventeen song


Seventeen is a good aesthetically pleasing song about being young and wishing you knew what you do now. Seventeen is a good song to listen to when you are getting things done, on a drive, or looking for inspiration.

Cool by Soccer Mommy

cool song


Cool has a good sound to it and has a summer aesthetic to it. It's good for when getting things done but also for a drive or hanging out with friends.

Yes I'm Changing by Tame Impala

yes i'm changing


Yes I'm Changing has an electric aesthetic to it that is good for a drive and also good for working on your creative projects. Tame Impala is known for his interesting and unique sounding music that creates an aesthetic appeal.

Cutting My Fingers Off by Turnover

cutting my fingers off


Cutting My Fingers Off is another song with a dark title but is actually more up-beat. It has a summer aesthetic and a peaceful sound to it. It's a good song to play when studying or getting inspiration.

Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens

call me by your name


Mystery of Love is from the soundtrack of Call Me By Your Name which became known for its peaceful aesthetic, lovely cinematography and character chemistry. The song Mystery of Love conveys a very similar aesthetic and is a lovely song to listen to for inspiration or to relax.

He Don't Love Me by Winona Oak

he don't love me


He Don't Love Me is another song that has a sort of electric aesthetic to it. The sound of Winona's voice adds to its sad beauty aesthetic along with the topic of the song. It's a song to dance to or listen to for inspiration.

Open up by The World of Birds

the world of birds


Open Up has a very up-beat aesthetic that makes you want to dance around on a beach or even around your room. It can put you in a good mood or help you focus on your creative project.

Poke by Daughter

poke by daughter


Poke is a peaceful song that has a sad beauty aesthetic that is calming and relaxing. Daughter is known for her peaceful and meaningful music. Like her others, Poke is perfect to study to and can be used for inspiration.

I Dare You by The Regrettes

how do you love by the regrettes


I Dare You is very up-beat and makes you want to get up and dance in your room. It gets the creative juices flowing as it makes you want to be in a good mood even when you are down.

Inside Your Mind by The 1975

inside your mind 1975


Inside Your Mind is a beautiful song that makes you want to close your eyes and listen to it with your headphones in, and gently sway to it in your room. It's song creates this beautifully sad aesthetic about love. The 1975 is known for their aesthetic whether its an electric up-beat sound or a lovely somber sound.

Every person has a creative side, some have it stronger than others and there are ways to inspire that creativity inside you. I hope you enjoyed this list of aesthetically pleasing music to add to your playlist. Keep being creative and keep enjoying the beauty of music.

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