2. Friendships don't always last forever | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things I Want My High School Self To Know

These next 4 years in college define your whole future, so why not make the best of them? Reflecting the past is the best way to create a better future.


Dear Past High School Self,

I know you're scared, college is approaching faster than you can blink. Your life is changing before you can even process what's happening. But I promise, it'll be alright. All of your worries are going to disappear. The stress you're feeling is normal and everyone you know is experiencing the same thing in one way shape or form. While I am future you, and I know what happens after graduation, I'm going to give you some spoilers to release your troubles.

1. Don't be afraid of being wrong

Too often we are all scared of saying the wrong things, or doing the wrong things. Who cares? Life is not meant to be perfect, and neither are you. It is okay to not know something and take a wrong guess. It is okay to say something wrong and realize it then. You can always apologize. You learn from doing all of these wrong doings. Making mistakes is what makes us human. Plus, the world would be boring if everybody did everything right all the time.

2. Friendships don't always last forever

As much as we want to believe that the friends we make throughout our 12 years of pre-college education will stick forever, that is hardly ever the case. I am sorry to say that those girls you called your sisters will not stick to you like glue forever. Once they find a newer and more exciting opportunity, they will grab at it. Don't take it harshly, it's really their loss. You do not need someone in your life who is only there to benefit from your attention. You need someone, or a few someones, to understand you as a person and appreciate you for who you are and what you are doing in your life.

3. Boys do not make the world go 'round.

Sure, you'll have your little crushes, that's to be expected. But, do not let these boys tell you what you can and can not do with your life. If you are excited about something, they should be supportive of you, not jealous of your successes. Some guys are too hung up on being guys. They do not want to listen to you talk about your crappy day at work, the test you failed in class today, or your new favorite coffee flavor from Dunkin'. They don't typically mature as fast as us, and care way too much about video games and food. That's okay. You just have to let those bad eggs go and search for a good egg. You know?

4. Don't under-estimate yourself and your talent

I know you think there a million and a half people better than you. That is true. But that means you have that many more chances to be better than someone else and grow. Being a musician is tough when it is such a competitive gift. You are talented. You know what you are doing and you will prosper. It will take hard work and dedication, but you have all that in you. Do not think for a second that you do not have any talent. You have more talent in your left hand than most have in their whole body. Think about it... you play all these instruments and you'll play even more as you get older. Don't lose that motivation to be the best and you will be better each day.

5. You got into college, you're smarter than you give yourself credit for

Yes, the dreaded time of year where you overhear everyone you know talk about which school they want to attend or will be attending in the fall. It's scary to think that you have to pay for your future. You have to rely on trained professionals to guide you in the best path possible. Little do you know, you have been trained since kindergarten. I promise you that once you find your place, it will feel like home. When you start applying, you will be insanely stressed, but that's okay. But , the day you open your mail and see the acceptance letters you have been waiting for, you know that these past 12 years of school have been worth your while. Then you will commit to your new home for the next 4 years... (I'll spoil it for you, you chose RIC.)

6. You can do whatever you set your mind to (even buying a car)

I know working at a fast food job every other day is not the best thing in the world. But, the though of having your own car to drive is a nicer thought. It will take hard work to get there, but you know that. Just stop spending your money on food and coffee, well maybe just food... coffee is a staple. Anyways, save your money when you can. To commute to college you need a car and no one else is going to go and buy you one except yourself. One day you will be sitting at the DMV for 4 hours waiting anxiously for you name to be called to register your first car. (Just make sure to have enough cash on you... you know, so you don't have to charge $2.50 to your debit and get charged extra...oh yeah don't pay the DMV with a card.)

7. College isn't scary like you think it is

You are going to think you will not make friends. WRONG! You will meet so many amazingly talented people in your department. You will not let yourself fall behind, and prepare to be organized. You are here to become someone special. You do not have to be afraid to explore new clubs and activities. You will make friends and they will be one of the best groups of people you have ever met. You will get the best out of this experience, I promise you that. The workload is just right for you an you know that this work falls on you. You are paying for this higher education, so use every resource you can to ensure that you cross the stage in 2022 with a degree.

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