Adventures To Have In DC | The Odyssey Online
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Adventures To Have In DC

Are you looking for places to go in DC?

Adventures To Have In DC

Washington, D.C. is the perfect city for a college student. The District is home to the Smithsonian Museums, has an incredible arts presence and attracts a variety of musicians. During your years as an undergraduate it is important to take advantage of all the city has to offer — especially now that American University students have the U-Pass.

There are a few dos and don’ts when you immerse yourself in the city. Don’t skip over museums that seem emotionally heavy or too educational. Do treat yourself to a nice meal every now and again. Don’t sit inside all day and don’t only stay on campus. Do step out of your comfort zone. And make sure to always have fun!

1. Museums

Most museums in Washington are free to the public so it easy to visit two or three in a day. The Smithsonian Museums are interesting but crowded -- especially the Air and Space Museum and the Museum of American History. But the Freer and Sackler Galleries remain relatively quiet. I recommend going to an intriguing exhibit in the Freer and Sackler Galleries called “Turquoise Mountain” about artisans rebuilding the city of Kabul in Afghanistan.

Must visit: National Gallery of Art, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, National Portrait Gallery

2. Music Scene

At some point one of your favorite musicians will come into town -- for me it was Stevie Wonder -- and you’ll go alone to your first concert in the city. You will end up seeing new areas of the city and subcultures that you’ve never been exposed to. Look into these venues for cheap and moderately priced shows: Songbyrd Music House, 9:30 club, U St. Music hall, the Howard Theater, Town and Black Cat.

3. Food

It is a fact that humans need food to survive. So why not eat at delicious restaurants? Neighborhoods like Adams Morgan and Georgetown are riddled with dining options. DC has a seemingly endless variety of food from ethnic cuisine to overpriced brunches. Food is also what people are the pickiest about so knowing different options is important. For instance, Chaia in Georgetown is a vegan taco establishment but if you want some meat Crisp & Juicy in Tenleytown has amazing chicken!

Must Eat: Amsterdam Falafel, Tryst, Julia’s Empanadas, Founding Farmers, District Tacos

4. More Cool Places

There are some must have experiences in the District. Busboys and Poets is a must see where you will not be disappointed by their open mic nights, bookstore and restaurant. It is basically a rite of passage to go monumenting. (Pro tip: go at night.) And if a business or organization really interests you follow them on social media and attend their events. Go on a tour of the Botanical Gardens. Wander around Dupont Circle. Trick or Treat on Embassy Row. Kayak and paddle board on the Potomac. There are so many little adventures to be had!

Look into: Story District, Roosevelt Island, Politics & Prose Bookstore and Coffeehouse

I guarantee you will not be disappointed when you leave campus. Go out, have fun and stay safe!

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