Abortions Should Be Entirely Up To Only The Pregnant Woman | The Odyssey Online
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Politics and Activism

​I Have Never Considered Myself To Be A Feminist, But After Recent Events, I Am As Enraged As Many Feminists Are

I would never have expected our society to regress backward in this day and age, but here we are in 2019, with lawmakers allowing for us to take so many steps backward in terms of equality and in regards to basic human rights.

​I Have Never Considered Myself To Be A Feminist, But After Recent Events, I Am As Enraged As Many Feminists Are

A photo that has found itself re-circulating the internet with the recent passing of Alabama's Human Life Protection Act is one with the headline REPUBLICANS ON RAPE. The photograph lists 6 different quotes from different Republicans and what they have to say surrounding rape. This photograph along with the passing of Alabama's new law have left me in utter shock.

Women have had to fight for equal rights since much earlier times than now, but you would think that with all of the advancements being made we wouldn't have to worry about basic human rights being taken from us. Apparently, WRONG. I can respect people's differing of opinions surrounding the pro-life vs pro-choice debate, but the statements listed in this photograph, no matter how old, and being accompanied by whatever fake apology was given, are completely disrespectful to all women.

The photo includes a statement from Clayton Williams who ran for governor in Texas back in 1990, but after his statement surrounding rape was released, he lost supporters, and votes ultimately costing him his election. Clayton started to press, in an attempt to "make light" of the situation compared rape to weather, saying, "Rape is kinda like the weather. If it's inevitable, relax and enjoy it."

The photo also includes a quote from Todd Akin who was a state representative at the time of this speech. Akin stated, "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that thing down."

The next person who made the list is Rick Santorum who was a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. Santorum in a conference about clarification on his views went ahead and said that although it is a bad thing it nonetheless is a gift and women should be appreciative. The quote listed was, "Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation."

Followed by a quote from Richard Mourdock who was a U.S. Senator as well as the treasurer of the state of Indiana. Mourdock stated, "Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen."

Jodie Laubenberg, the only female who made the photo, served as a member of the House of Representatives for Texas. She didn't leave her position until this past January, and she had stated, "In the emergency room they have what's called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out."

The last person to make the photo was another state representative, Lawrence Lockman who was known to have made a lot of different controversial statements, including one about rape that was extremely disturbing. Lockman stated, "If a woman has (the right to an abortion), why shouldn't a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist's pursuit of sexual freedom doesn't (in most cases) result in anyone's death."

These comments are both utterly disturbing and absolutely sickening. If you can't speak on something due to not knowing what it is like, or being incapable of experiencing it, do not comment. Williams, despite the statement, returned to a business position where he established a multi-million dollar company. How? Why?

Akins saying that if a woman was truly being raped she could make her body shut down to not get pregnant, and so basically he's also saying that if they do get pregnant then the rape wasn't legitimate. That is a disgrace and I really want to know how this man is married, and to his wife..why?? Why are men being allowed to speak with disrespect and clearly no knowledge on the subject and still be successful?

For Santorum to say that women who were raped should just make the best of a bad situation is appalling. It has to be a joke, but sadly it's not. This man who was a senator truly believed this to be true. Mourdock then tried to incorporate religion into a debate on rape by saying that if a rape results in pregnancy then it is simply just what God intended. Then a woman, Laubenberg, to say that when a rape kit is done she is cleaned out is insane to think about. The trauma, the damage, and the feeling of filth all are still very much present past the rape kit "cleaning".

And lastly to say that if a woman can abort an unplanned pregnancy from an attack, then a man should be able to use his strength to force himself onto a woman, because at least then no one is losing a life. This is an old quote that is still very much present. People who are on the pro-life side think that any argument for a developing embryo to be terminated is wrong, which is completely unjust thinking.

With Alabama's new law, abortion is illegal, with no exceptions to rape cases. This new law falls in line with supporting what Lockman said, and that is completely awful to think that this is where we are in 2019. If you don't have a uterus, you shouldn't be entitled to speak on subjects dealing with one. For a woman to have to decide to terminate a pregnancy, it takes a lot of thought, they don't just say "Hey I'm killing my potential kid." But instead they think about if they're prepared, and if it is formed from a rape, then why would you want the woman to be forced to keep the child of her attacker. Women deserve the right to make their own choices surrounding their bodies. Let us decide what happens to our body.

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