You have been here with me through the best years of my life, and even though we haven't known each other that long it feels like a lifetime. I can always count on you to be fully there for me through all the ups and the downs.
I count on you to cheer me up through all the drama and boy issues and I will always do the same for you.
College would be completely different if you weren't here with me because I wouldn't have anyone to go on midnight snack runs with or anyone to FaceTime about the cute boy in class talking to me. I also wouldn't have a shoulder to cry on when I am sad, or a person to share all my exciting news with.
You are one of the people I can see as being a bridesmaid at my wedding, and sharing all my future secrets with. Through these college years we are forming into the people we are meant to be and I fully feel like you have helped me become a better person, and understand myself more.
This being said we better continue being friends after college.
Going into my senior year, I worry about all the people I am going to miss because of the different directions our lives may take us, but even then I know we will continue to jump back into the old swing of things every time we see each other. Senior year I have planned to make the most memories of our four years of college and to just completely live in the moment.
After this year wherever we may go, I know that I will always remember all the crazy times we had and I am looking forward to more crazy memories with you.