9 Ways Fall Doesn't Live Up To Its Reputation
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9 Ways Fall Doesn't Live Up To Its Reputation

Admit it -- autumn frequently *falls* short of your expectations.

9 Ways Fall Doesn't Live Up To Its Reputation

When the heat of summer wanes and the trees begin to shed their garments of green, fall arrives, and with it comes the expectation of a beautiful, romantic, photogenic season. Many people (including myself) consider fall their favorite season, and why wouldn't we? It's breathtakingly beautiful, and the chill in the air invites cozy sweaters and warm drinks. The state fair comes to town, bringing candied apples and funnel cakes. Everyone's hands are covered in pumpkin guts and glitter from endless carving and costume design. Smiles are bigger, hugs are warmer, and everything seems just a bit magical.

However, every year your favorite season always ends up falling a bit short of expectation. Here are the ways in which fall never quite lives up to it's reputation.

1. Pumpkin Spice

Even before the seasonal temperature change, you can tell fall is coming some time around... Sept. 8. On that day, life gets a little bit spicier. Yes, friends, I'm talking about the pumpkin spice latte.

Despite the fact that you're still wearing tanks and shorts, when the fated day arrives, you rush to the nearest Starbucks, ready to get your fill of pumpkin goodness... even though it doesn't actually taste like everyone's favorite squash.

You can't deny your love for this fall treat. And because of that, after a few weeks of artificial pumpkin goodness, you have to deal with a few unwanted consequences.

2. Temperature

You've been collecting sweaters and boots all year in preparation for the arguably most fashionable season, and you can't wait to show off your fall swag.

And it's impossible to not look good in a flannel.

Sooner or later, a chilly breeze begins to chase away the summer heat, and despite your intense excitement, there's one problem: All of your cool fall and winter ensembles are back home, and you're left unprepared for the sudden temperature drop.

Instead of flannels, sweaters and boots (oh my!), you're stuck wearing yoga pants and sweatshirts from the student store until Fall Break.

3. Your (Lack Of) Summer Tan

Thanks to the new blast of cold air, you quickly begin to lose your bronze summer glow. You always forget this seasonal sacrifice, and to your chagrin, you grow quite pale.

Nope. Paler.

Keeeeeeeeep going.

That's more like it.

4. Weather

You expect the autumn weather to consist of light chilly breezes dappled sunlight filtering down through the crimson and gold-plated leaves.

However, instead of showers of golden sunlight, you're ambushed with showers of... rain. Endless rain.

And on the off chance you're blessed with perfect fall weather, you're trapped in the library studying for midterms.

5. Leaves

Once fall starts falling in full swing, piles of leaves start collecting under every tree on campus, and you cant resist running through the biggest one just to kick leaves in the air, showering passersby with the glorious debris of autumn.

However, that adventure leaves you looking like a hot mess with nature's confetti sticking out of your hair every which way.

6. Pumpkins

When you finally have the chance to hit up the pumpkin patch, you're beyond thrilled with the task of finding the biggest and most beautiful pumpkin in the patch for use as your carving canvas.

But no matter how big or beautiful or masterfully carved your pumpkin is... it still ends up as a rotten orange mush in about a week.

8. Romance

For some reason, autumn always seems like the best season for falling in love.

At this point, even an evil (albeit attractive) warlock would be nice.

However, the closest the boys have come to fall romance is quoting "Hocus Pocus" -- sort of.

8. Halloween

Halloween is arguably one of the best holidays of the year (second only to Christmas), and it's obviously the highlight of fall. You spend the whole month of October planning your costume. And whether you go with scary ...

... or sexy...

... you'll procrastinate anyways and end up throwing a costume together out of things you found at the bottom of your closet.

9. The Haters

Despite all of these inevitable autumnal pitfalls, the one things that never fails to ruin the magic of fall is the haters. They hate on your pumpkin spice, they despise cold weather, and they drop names like "basic" or "common white girl" or "basic common white girl hipster wannabe" when they see the flannel-wearing, PSL-drinking, fall-loving squad.

But here's what I have to say to them ...

So now that you've finished this article, why don't we go grab a PSL and enjoy fall while it lasts.

Oh... I insist.

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