8 Female YouTubers That Will Inspire You
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8 Female YouTubers That Will Inspire You

If you binge watch their videos, you'll most likely develop a new mindset.

8 Female YouTubers That Will Inspire You

There’s no denying that Youtube is addicting. We’ve all had those hour-long Youtube binges where we watch a mixture of helpful, interesting, and extremely odd videos. You find a few Youtubers that you enjoy, you’ll probably be glued to their videos when they post them.

While it is really fun to watch random and pointless videos, we can also learn a lot about ourselves from some Youtuber’s videos. These eight Youtubers are some of my favorite inspirational Youtubers. Whether the inspiration is explicit or implicit, their videos always leave me with a newly-learned lesson or realization about my life.

1. Hitomi Mochizuki

Hitomi is a great Youtuber for those who suffer from mental illness, are interested in veganism, or enjoy watching videos about spirituality. She commonly documents her journey with her depression, as well as her journey with self-awareness and Buddhism. She teaches about different meditations and her rants always include such introspective and insightful advice. Her videos are seriously life-changing and the positivity and gratitude of her spirit is so contagious.

Great videos to start with:

2. Cartia Mallan

Like Hitomi, Cartia also teaches a lot about spirituality and finding yourself. Her documentation of her own self-growth is incredibly inspiring and encourages the viewer to look introspectively. She is GORGEOUS and you’ll MOST LIKELY binge watch her extremely aesthetically pleasing videos now.

Great Videos to start with:

3. Jeanine Amapola

She’s mostly known for her extremely relatable main channel videos, but I think the real inspiration lies in her vlogs (JeanineTV). She is incredibly optimistic, positive, and kind-hearted. Watching her go about her day as she deals with hardships and enjoys life with her friends always leaves me feeling good and refreshed. It’s honestly impossible to be in a bad mood after watching her vlogs.

Honestly all of her vlogs are amazing just watch all of them

4. Annie Tarasova

Like Cartia and Hitomi, she also focuses on spirituality and self-growth. However, her videos have more of an educational-style, as she does thorough research on various topics and educates the viewer on concrete facts of different spiritual ideas. She also has EXTREMELY aesthetically pleasing vlogs, which will encourage you to fall in love with nature and life.

Great Videos to Start With:

5. Bri Hall

Bri has gone through so many hardships in her life, and now devotes her life to utilizing her INCREDIBLE creativity and helping others feel “fearlessly beautiful”. She posts amazing beauty videos and also has a great series called the “Change Your Mindset Challenge”, which I really recommend watching. Her channel is pretty much a one-stop shop; she has drawing videos, makeup/hair videos, advice videos, music playlists, DIYs, and so much more.

Great Videos to Start With:

6. Katy Bellotte

Katy is one of my favorite Youtubers /bloggers/ people. She writes and speaks so much about common issues that arise as young women, such as love, hookups, insecurities, and stress. Her videos are incredibly insightful and her rants always help me realize something new about myself. She talks about topics that we always think about, but never say out loud. Her blog also discusses great topics, and I heavily recommend reading some (or all!) of her posts.

Great Videos to Start With:

7. Eva Gutowski

Eva is one of the most popular Youtubers mainly because of her relatable videos. Recently, she has been traveling literally EVERYWHERE and just truly living her best life. She frequently uses her platform to spread awareness about depression, anxiety, and sexual assault. By finally making all of her dreams come true, she's truly inspiring her viewers to live their life to the fullest and to keep pushing through their struggles. I mainly like her vlog channel, but her main channel has some great videos as well.

Great Videos to Start With:

8. Carli Bybel

Okay, Carli Bybel is seriously a queen. Not only is she A M A Z I N G at makeup, hair, and fashion, but she constantly uses her platform to spread positivity and contribute to a variety of charities. She just recently donated $100,000 to an all-girl’s school in Cambodia to fully fund the students' education and is a Global Ambassador for WAH Foundation. Through all of her success, she remains extremely humble and speaks about her anxiety and other personal issues. Carli is absolutely amazing and her videos are definitely addicting. You can thank me later for bringing her into your life.

Great Videos to Start With:

Now go grab some snacks, get comfortable, and watch away!

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