Music has always been important to me since I was very young. It provided me with so many different things: experiences, feelings, escapes, etc. It has been a huge factor in my life when getting through some of the worst times of my life, while also accompanying some of the best. If you feel the exact same way, you completely understand what I'm saying. Here are eight specific things music provides for those of us who connect to it in an indescribable way.
1. Destress/Calm nerves
The right kind of music can relieve the tension that my heart and body are feeling at any given moment. It can put me to sleep in seconds, it can reduce my anxiety, and it can put me back on track once I feel myself becoming super overwhelmed. If it weren't for music, I'd probably still be a disaster.
2. Anger
Whenever I'm angry, I can listen to a good song so I can release that feeling before saying or doing something I don't mean. It can always calm me down and take me back to the ground. It surely has helped me blow off some steam so I could return to a situation calmly. Without it, I probably would have "hulked" out way too many times.
3. Sadness
We all have that one song that you listen to in order to cry or sadly look out the window as if you're in a music video. No matter what the song is, you always feel better once you've let it all out.
4. Puts your feelings into words
Ever feel so confused that you just can't describe what you're feeling, then you find a song that describes it effortlessly? That's the best feeling. And, it'll definitely become your anthem for the next week.
5. Focus
I don't know about you, but a good playlist can keep me in focus mode for a few hours. You can look up at the clock five hours later and be shocked at how much work you got done in that amount of time! Music helps it fly right by.
6. Hype
You know what playlist you play when you're about to go out. You and all your friends jam out hard and perfectly recite all the lyrics. It's the best way to prepare for a fun night ahead.
7. Fun
Whether you're dancing alone in your underwear or are at a huge party, music enhances every experience and allows you to let go and have fun.
8. Escape
No matter what you're feeling or where you are, music can take you to a different place at any time. It'll be by your side through it all...and boy do you know that!
We all listen to different genres, but what we all have in common is what music gives to us. Keep on listening, no matter what.