The first night of Hanukkah was just this past Sunday, and already the madness has begun. There's a lot to prepare yourself for during Hanukkah season. It's not just presents and food, you know. You'll inevitably spend your time:
1. Reminding the children in the house that Menorah candles are not like birthday candles, and we do not blow them out.
2. Explaining that, while this may look like a Christmas tree, it is in fact, a Hanukkah bush.
3. Not getting off school for Hanukkah (or any other Jewish holidays) because this is America where there is technically no national religion, but there totally is.
4. Reminding yourself that Hanukkah doesn't start until the sun goes down.
5. And reminding goyim why Hanukkah isn't on the same day every year like Christmas.
The Jewish calendar is not the same as the Gregorian calendar, so things don't always line up.
6. Reminding the children in the house not to tell the other children in their class that Santa isn't real.
Learn from our mistakes, small ones.