Children are undeniably one of the greatest joys in life. Ask any parent what they love the most in the world; they'll say it's their kids. Kids are also a huge responsibility. I lost a cat for a week. An indoor cat. Want a slice of the joys of parenthood without losing the freedom to be as shambly as you already are? Aunthood (or unclehood) is the thing for you! Here are reasons that aunthood is better than parenthood.
1. You get to be a kid again
Aunts and uncles inevitably end up babysitting. A lot. And this time you actually care about the kid...(it's a joke, calm down). This means watergun fights. This means dress up. This means trips to the zoo. This means Disney movies (like you don't already watch those on your own). You have a free pass to relive you childhood with an awesome little sidekick. And it's incredible.
2. The kids automatically think you're cooler than their parents
And they're right. Who would you rather chill with, Danny, or Uncle Jesse? Aunts and uncles have all the "cool person" appeal that kids see in "grown ups" (HAHAHAHA WAIT I JUST ATE POPTARTS FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH, AND DINNER, BUT OKAY) without any of the "lame parents" stigma attached. They look up to you but aren't worried that you'll tell them it's bed time. Their parents will try and act like it's not a thing, but it is.
3. You can spoil them guilt-free
Ice cream for dinner? Absolutely. Jumping on the bed? I'm there. Being an aunt or uncle means that saying no isn't necessary. Sure, nobody likes a brat, but odds are, their parents are on top of that. That means you're free to let them run wild. Plus you have to make sure they like you better than their other aunts and uncles, amirite??
4. You don't actually have children...
Two of the people in the above picture don't have children. You know the two. I don't think that's a coincidence. I don't know about y'all, but the idea of being responsible for another human life is terrifying to me. I love the freedom of only being responsible for myself and a few dead houseplants.
5. You get to teach them
Okay, so obviously their parents do this way more than you, but you can teach them some things their parents can't. These tiny humans look up to you. You're going to give them lessons before they every get into preschool. Be ready for my bragging when my nephew stays inside the lines better than all those other degenerates.
6. Diapers? That is not my job
"Hey. Love your kid. Great job on this human. By the way, she got a little situation here. I'm just gonna, uh, hand her over for a quick second. OKAY BYE." Okay so maybe this isn't the best thing, but it happens. Hey, I didn't make the kid.
7. You'll never be a part of their "family pictures" pain
Enough said? Enough said.
8. Inside jokes about their parents
They like making fun of their parents. You like making fun of your siblings. There really are no losers here. Well, except the parents I guess. Y'all suck. Just kidding, deep down, we all love you. Thank you for making these little fireballs.