As a college student myself, I’ll be the first to admit that college is hard. I don’t just mean the workload, either. From needing to keep up with the latest fashion/makeup tips to needing to know what “Dante’s Inferno” is about in minutes to just wanting a quick laugh in between study sessions, YouTube is the place to go for any college-age girl (or boy).
I’ve combined and linked down below a list of 7 YouTubers every college-age girl should follow and, having followed most of them for years now, I must say I doubt you’ll be disappointed.
1. FemmeHead
FemmeHead is ran by an incredibly inspirational young woman named Victoria. Her channel consist of all things minimalism, veganism, travel and as she calls it: "menstrual magic". Victoria talks about things that most others are afraid to and teaches young women how to love their bodies- which, is something truly admirable and to say the least, I learn so much from her weekly videos.
2. Jefferson Bethke
Jeff is this super awesome, Biblically-based motivational speaker who I randomly "scrolled across" a number of years ago. His channel is all about bringing new perspective to the table and FORCING you to see 'old' things through 'new' eyes. His lovely wife, Alyssa, regularly joins him in collaboration to create videos such as "Should A Christian Date A Non-Christian?" and Jeff's extraordinarily popular video: "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" (plus, his ADORABLE kiddos and pup make guest appearances all the time and I'm tellin' ya, there's nothing more precious).
3. StevenCrowder
Steven's channel is comedic and NOT politically correct but, that's the point. He brings humor to more serious topics and is one of the few YouTubers I've found that's able to make important topics more interesting than reading straight out of a history book- all the while not being offensive.
4. Alli Cherry
Alli is one of my personal favorites! Her upbeat personality and inspirational lifestyle is noteworthy, for sure. The majority of her videos are vlogs, which is so neat because it makes you feel like you're right there with her in every video. I love how adverse her channel is, too! She takes minimalism, health tips, flea marketing, etc. and teaches you how to be successful with those things on your own.
5. vlogbrothers
You know "The Fault in Our Stars"? The author, John Green, is the man behind it all! Well, partially. Him and his brother, Hank Green make up vlogbrothers. Combined, they produce two videos a week- every Friday, John comes out with a new video and every Tuesday, Hank responds (their videos CAN'T be over 4 minutes long, either). In turn, they each get to create content AND respond to their brothers previous video as well (sometimes, this leads to one brother challenging the other to eat a few thousand Peeps in a day- like, seriously? LOL)!
6. CrashCourse
Another channel featuring John and Hank Green! This one's ideal for any college student in need because they produce mini courses on subjects such as Economics, US Government and Politics, Astronomy, Anatomy, Physiology, World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, Chemistry, Psychology and US History. Soooo, basically, when you have pages of homework left to do or a 10 page essay to write in one night that you forgot about or straight procrastinated on, hit up CrashCourse because they will always have your back... trust me!
7. h3h3Productions
"We make comedy videos", it's that simple. Need a GOOD laugh? Ethan and Hila are where it's at. Enough said.