7 Ways To Stay Motivated For The Lazy
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7 Ways To Stay Motivated For The Lazy

Here are 7 ways to help keep you off that couch.

7 Ways To Stay Motivated For The Lazy
Gerd Altmann

As some of you know, being lazy isn't hard for me. In fact, I like to think of it as a special gift I've been given. It allows me to take a break from the world and simply relax for a moment. Some people need constant stimulation to feel good. Not me. No, I need some me time and that means I need to do nothing, even if it's for 30 minutes. The only problem is I often find myself ensnared in its sneaky and tempting arms for hours instead of the intended half hour. It's easy to not do all those things I need to do like homework, chores, writing articles for Odyssey...

Here are 7 ways I've found to help me stay motivated for those times when I literally just can't.

1. Make A List

Ugh I know! Listing is not fun and can be intimidating once you see all the tasks you've jotted down because you've been too busy staring at your phone watching funny animal videos for the past hour. However, I find writing out everything I need to do and everything I want to do really helps. Not only am I reminding myself of tasks that need to get done, I'm writing down on paper the goals I have. For example, gym time=kill-me-now time. However, I've made it a goal to work out weekly. If I don't write this down on my list, it's easy to decide I "don't have time".

2. Buddy System

Tell someone! Let them know of your plans, lists and goals! Just make sure they will hold you accountable. My husband is the work now, play later kind of guy (I'm the opposite...obviously) and he keeps me accountable for the things I've said I'm going to do. He makes sure I follow through with that checklist. And yeah, sometimes it's really annoying, but I'm happy I have someone to push me toward things I know that will better my life and help me achieve those goals.

3. Inspirational Quotes

No seriously, looking up inspirational quotes helps to keep me motivated. I know it sounds hokey, but I promise it helps. Keeping reminders around you that inspire you to stay motivated are helpful on those days when the couch is calling. At work, I have 3 quotes I keep near my desk to help me remember to work hard and stay focused...and not get lazy. Plus, reading the words helps them to stick with you throughout the day and I know I can call on those words anytime I need to to remind me of how motivation is key.

4. Positive Thoughts

Even something as simple as thinking positive can really make a difference when the dark side is calling. Reminding yourself of what you can do and what you can accomplish will help you stay the path. When those sneaky thoughts come in that tell you "don't worry about it, you can do it tomorrow", don't listen! Remember that you have important things to do besides watching your favorite "New Girl" episode.

5. Make A Choice..And Do it!

This goes along with number 4. When you make a choice to do something, DO IT! Don't make excuses and don't talk yourself out if it. Make the decision and ACT on it! Plus if you make the decision before the day starts that you WILL do task number 3 or you WILL clean up the mess in the backyard from your dog, chances are you will do it. My husband is a great example of this. He has great self-discipline (aka stubborn) and when he decides he will do something, there is nothing that will stop him. If he makes a goal to not drink soda or to make sure our home is clean before he starts his day, he does (or doesn't) do it. He keeps to his goals because he decided he would.

6. Reward Yourself

This is the best part I think, I mean what good is it if you check off those times on your list if you don't reward yourself once in a while? Everyone deserves to be rewarded, especially someone who worked on their list or has made it one step closer to their end goal.

7. Remember, The End Result Is Worth It

Guys, the outcome is why we do the things we hate, right? Why else would we work out if we didn't want end results? The end result is the whole purpose to getting things done. And it feels good, doesn't it?! Even if it's something as little as picking up your clothes off the floor and making your bed. It feels AMAZING once the room is clean and you feel accomplished! One of my favorite quotes I have at work comes from Steven Wright who said: "Hard work has a future pay off. Laziness pays off now." I love this because it reminds me that while I am paying off in the moment by ignoring those pesky to-do items, nothing will happen for me in the future when it really matters. It's easy to think in the moment, but we have to remember it's better to get it done now. I mean, haven't you ever put of something like a school project for the weekend before when you've had, like, four weeks to do it, and then all your friends are wondering why you aren't with you on this awesome last minute trip to the lake (or wherever). Why? Because you were lazy and put it off and now you're stuck at home. Not to mention, it really does feel good once those items are completed.

While I know laziness can be wonderful and satisfies your soul, work must be done, too. Humans are programmed to progress and the only way to do that is to get your sorry butt off the coach and do something. I am a firm believer in hard work and can still be lazy. Work makes the world go round. What is life without work? Or the couch?

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