7 Ways to Show Mother Earth Some Love
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7 Ways to Show Mother Earth Some Love

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa

7 Ways to Show Mother Earth Some Love
Kaylee Rex

We are mere visitors on this beautiful planet and yet we rarely treat it with the respect it deserves. That disrespect is starting to become apparent through the scary changes that are slowly but surely happening all around us. Sea levels are rising, forests are depleting, biodiversity is declining and our climate is changing. Show Mother Nature some love by making some small changes in your day to day life.

1. Change the light bulbs in your home from incandescent to fluorescent lights.

Incandescent light bulbs take more energy to produce light and they also don't last as long as fluorescent light bulbs. They use a quarter of the energy incandescent bulbs and last 10-15 times longer. Since they last last longer and are more energy efficient, that means you buy bulbs less and use less energy which saves you money. Another option is LED light bulbs that are rather new to the energy efficient world but show extreme promise for the future of sustainable lighting. Right now, they are considered even more sustainable than fluorescent. The only downside to both of these bulbs is that they contain some harsh chemicals like lead and mercury. However, this is only an issue if the bulbs are not recycled correctly.

2. Use a reusable water bottle instead of plastics.

I realized I had a problem after cleaning the plethora of plastic water bottles out of my room and car. After admitting I had a problem, I made a change and bought a reusable water bottle. My university has refilling stations for reusable bottles and every time I would fill up, it would show the amount of plastic water bottle waste I just prevented. Getting to see the immediate change is such a rewarding feeling. Switching to a reusable water bottle is a small, simple change that will have a big impact.

3. Recycle.

This is the oldest one in the book. Create a recycling bin at home for your plastics, newspapers, aluminum cans, etc. Donate or create new things out your unwanted belongings. Buy used clothes or garments made from recycled materials instead of new clothes.The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry behind the oil industry. Fast fashion stores like HM and Forever 21 are some of the biggest culprits in their industry. Just something to think about next time you hit the mall.

4. Compost.

Whenever you have food waste, instead of throwing it away, you can create a pile in your backyard for it to decompose. It sounds a little strange but it cuts down on how much waste is put into landfills and the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. A bonus to this, is that you can use this compost as a natural fertilizer for your garden and plants.

5. Cut back.

Whether its shaving a few minutes off of your shower or using less paper products, cutting back just a little will have a huge cumulative effect. Turn off lights when you aren't using them or use natural light when possible. Use cloths and rags instead of paper towels. The options are endless and very simple to integrate into your everyday life.

6. Become aware of the resources you use daily.

By becoming aware of what resources you use and how you use them, it will grow easier to see what you can change about your lifestyle to help your planet.

7. Spread the word.

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