7 Things To Do On Cyber Monday Besides Online Shop
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7 Things To Do On Cyber Monday Besides Online Shop

Spoiler alert: All of them involve saving your money.

7 Things To Do On Cyber Monday Besides Online Shop

If you’re anything like me, we all know you just spent a truckload of money on Black Friday, quite possibly this nation’s biggest scam. Stores and advertisers trick you into shopping with promises of great deals, but you wind up spending more than you typically would on a regular shopping trip under this illusion of “saving.” And businesses now are expanding past just one day. Black Friday spills over into Thanksgiving Day, with people waiting in line for midnight deals. Some places even have the sales last all week, truly detracting from the meaning of the holidays. Cyber Monday is just a continuation of the madness- the online version of Black Friday. So, in the spirit of giving, here are seven alternatives to wasting your money on Cyber Monday:

1)Finish your leftovers

It’s only four days after Thanksgiving. Odds are you still have some turkey and stuffing lying around. And that stuff has an expiration date! Everyone knows the leftovers are better anyway. Make yourself a turkey sandwich and, while you’re at it, treat yourself to that last slice of apple pie. Indulging in some extra carbs never hurt anyone, and it’s sure better than blowing hundreds on the new iPhone 7. After all, Thanksgiving food usually only comes around once a year, enjoy it while you can.

2)Swap your fall decorations for Christmas decorations

Throw the pumpkins in the woods, let the squirrels have at them. Put the decorative scarecrows and leaf centerpieces back in storage. The weekend after Thanksgiving, marks the official start of Christmas (don’t listen to the haters that say you have to wait until December, they are bringing unwanted negativity into your life and blocking your chakras). Yes, that’s right dust off those Santa Claus knick-knacks, chop down a tree (or drag it out of the attic, you do you), hang the wreaths. Throw tinsel in the air like that Leonardo DiCaprio meme. Put battery operated candles in the window to create the very believable illusion that your family is living in the 1800s. Mistletoe, mistletoe in every doorway. Fake snow, garlands, boughs of holly, heck even those annoying little train sets. Or a menorah, however you roll. Out with the old, in with the new. But let that rule only apply to seasonal decorations and not whatever’s in your shopping cart on Cyber Monday. You don’t need fifteen pairs of those three dollar boots you found, and no I bet your dad wouldn’t like that high-tech back-massager you just found for such a bargain. Save your money, your time, and your computer battery and get in the holiday spirit instead.

3)Do all the homework you put off during break

If you are a college student, or a high school student, you likely have assignments to get done over break. If your professors are cruel, you have an exam the day you get back or a paper due at midnight. And, all professors are cruel. So, instead of dishing out big bucks on your computer, use it to get some studying or homework done. You already pushed it off during the week, so rather than research the best deals and comparing prices on different websites, do yourself a favor and get that homework done before class on Monday.

4)Go to the gym to work off all the pie you just ate

You feasted on Thursday. You’ve been bingeing on leftovers all weekend. Instead of sitting in front of a screen all day, get started on your inevitable New Year’s Resolution early and head to the gym. Hit the treadmill, or the weights, or the ballet bar, whatever you enjoy. You’ll feel so much better with yourself after a trip to the gym than you will after hitting “Confirm Order” on your computer, I promise. It’s a win-win, you save money and get fit.

5) Invest

I’m no broker, and I can’t make any claims on the state of the market, but whether it’s investing or just saving your money in the bank, it has to be a better option than spending it, right? Who knows where the market is going with this new presidency, but isn’t fiscal security better than wasting money online shopping? Buy some bonds as presents instead of shoes- be frugalicious this holiday season.

6)Make a Christmas playlist

This one goes hand-in-hand with the decorating. In fact, go ahead and play your bomb holiday music while you decorate. I suggest Mariah Carey, “All I Want For Christmas,” Britney Spears, “My Only Wish (This Year),” and “Last Christmas” by Wham! While you’re at it, play some Christmas movies, especially those fifty year old poorly animated classics- “Rudolph” and “The Year Without A Santa Claus” are some personal favorite, and definitely “The Grinch.” Any holiday themed background noise really. Devote your time and energy to something worthwhile instead of online shopping this Cyber Monday. And, bonus, if you do make a playlist, burn it onto CDs for all your friends as presents, and you wont need that cartful of matching designer onesies you were about to buy for the squad. Something heartfelt and homemade is always more meaningful, anyway.

7)Literally anything else

Play with puppies, spend time with your family, go to class, read a book, learn to sew- almost anything is more beneficial and worthwhile than spending the day on your computer wasting money during Cyber Monday. Don’t fall for the scam this year.

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