7 Reasons To Watch Broad City
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7 Reasons To Watch Broad City

This is seven out of a million reasons to frequently watch this hilarious show.

7 Reasons To Watch Broad City

Comedy Central's show Broad City is about two twenty-somethings, Abbi and Ilana, living in New York. Coming from the wonderful minds of Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer with Amy Poehler as one of the executive producers, this show is greatness. It's perfect mix of craziness and relatability, which makes it so incredibly entertaining. My friends and I are not so patiently anticipating it's fourth season in early 2017. Theres a million reasons that every body should be experiencing this hilarity but here are a few!

1. It's humble beginnings.

Starting off as a web series in 2010, the duo had that same kind of humor that is so popular now on comedy central. It was just a matter of time till they got picked up because these videos are hilarious. From Abbi's first commercial, their moms meeting, and hooking up with a guy just to use his washer and dryer, this channel must be watched by any Broad City lover.

2. The dope cast.

With the Hannibal Buress, Paul W. Downs, Arturo Castro, and John Gemberling, these characters come to life and contribute heavily to the hilarious situations in the show. Comedian Hannibal Buress plays Ilana's platonic hookup buddy and is a hilarious contribution to the show. From Abbi's boss, Ilana's roommate, and Abbi's roommate's boyfriend who seems to be the only one home all the time, these characters shine on their own and have their own fan bases. The diversity and charisma in this cast is amazing.

3. The girl power.

Yes QUEEN is accurate when it comes to this female empowering show. This show is the perfect response to the common accusation that, "women aren't funny". Talk about some strong women that hold tight to their convictions of making the world better for minorities and in turn, everybody. This show tackles issues like the glass ceiling, rape culture, and cat calling with comedic commentary that really gets themselves and watchers thinking of how we not only treat women, but everybody.

4. The sex positivity.

One of my favorite things about this show is seeing two proud women owning their sexuality and sensuality with no apologies. If it's Abbi with Jeremy or Ilana with Blake Griffin, the body and sex positivity is so refreshing to see. These girl's rock their confidence when it comes to their bodies and sex lives. It is so reassuring to young girls watching that they are allowed to do what they want with their bodies, and be proud without worrying about stigma and people judging them.

5. The exposure of fluid sexuality.

The episode titled "Doppelgänger" is one of my favorite ones because, it addresses how some people don't feel the need to label their sexuality or give it much thought because any sexuality is normal. Ilana's character is very fluid with her attraction and, her ability to not even have to label it gives exposure to a ton of people confused and not wishing to fit in a label. The show is very LGBTQIA+ positive, one episode exposing how identifying as trans isn't anything to be offended over, and Abbi embraces Beaver's slip up and goes along with it. Using comedy as a vehicle to address issues isn't a new concept, but Broad City does an amazing job at it.

6. The music.

The music on the show is a mix of popular and lesser known artists, exposing so many watchers to new music. Music supervisor Matt FX Feldman has videos on their comedy central page going through the music he choses and the process of getting super new and popular tracks on the show.

7. The guest stars.

The fact that they had Kelly Ripa on the show and had her get prostitutes and use drugs is hilarious. They had Hillary Clinton on the show when Ilana started working for her campaign. They also had Alia Shawkat on the show to play Ilana's identical love interest. Blake Griffin was even on the show, having a naked hotel room excursion with Ilana. They have so many amazing guests and its alway hilarious.

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