The 7 Day Cleanse
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The 7 Day Cleanse

7 days of cleansing. A lifetime of results.

The 7 Day Cleanse

If you opened this article in hopes of finding a new, quick and easy way to drop 10 pounds by eating insanely small portions, flushing out your system with some type of mystery tea, or creating a body wrap to melt away fat while you sleep, you are kindly mistaken. But before you close this link, I want you to hear about a brand new cleanse guaranteed to show even better results.

Known as "The 7 Day Cleanse," this detox is meant for more than just your body, but your life, mind, and surroundings. Chances are, there have been numerous times when you've had the dissatisfying realization: "my life is a mess." If you're like myself, this statement comes out of my mouth more times than it probably should. The 7 Day Cleanse works with you and helps put the pieces of your ideal lifestyle together right infant of your eyes; each day gives you a chance to cleanse a new aspect of your life.

Day One: Your Schedule

Being a student isn't easy. Especially when you're expected to excel in all of your classes in addition to being actively involved in many on-campus organizations, working, and trying to have a social life (jk that doesn't exist). On the first day of your cleanse, clear your schedule as much as you possibly can (so like don't skip your classes, I don't condone that kind of behavior) and dedicate part of your day to nothing. Literally nothing. Sometimes not having anything to do is the best way relax during an extremely stressful week. This will

Day Two: Your Mind

Sometimes the little voice inside your head takes control and makes you overthink everything from what the person you like really thinks about you from feeling guilty about stealing that box crayons from your kindergarten classroom in 2001. Your mind works just as hard, maybe even harder, than you do everyday. Being that it's not easy to avoid these thoughts, day two focuses on calming your mind and helping to ease these whirlwind thoughts. Take an hour or two out of your day to just relax. Listen to music. Meditate. Go outside. Read a book. Whatever you feel you need to do to clean your mind of any overbearing or negative thoughts. Having a positive mindset will help you optimistically tackle the rest of the week without a doubt in the world.

Day Three: Your Room

As weird as it sounds, the environment you live and surround yourself greatly impacts your mood and behavior. And as I like to think of it: messy room = messy life. On day three, take some time to actually make your bed, put your dirty clothes in the hamper or maybe even do some laundry, organize your desk, vacuum, or clean even clean our your closet. By doing so, you'll feel much more organized and maybe feel as if you have your life together (or at least convince yourself you do for the time being).

Day Four: Your Body

I know I mentioned previously that this type of cleanse was not some sad attempt to promise that you'll lose 10 pounds in one week, but your body needs lots of tender love and care to function properly. Take the time on day four to maybe walk the long way to class, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or hit up the gym for an hour or two. Keeping your body physically active also keeps your mind much more alert. Moving around energizes your body and makes you feel much more motivated to complete the rest of your day without feeling too tired. Remaining active is one of the best things you can do for yourself because the outcome is beneficial in both the short term and the long term.

Day Five: Your Social Media

Remember those funky edited photos you used to post all over Facebook when you were in middle school? Yeah, it's time for those to go. On day five, go on all of your accounts and get rid of pictures you don't necessarily like anymore. Go through your followers/friends and get rid of people you don't have a desire to follow anymore or people you really don't even know (yes, it's time to unfollow your ex and stop creeping on all of their stuff). You don't need to look at things that make you feel self conscious about yourself or anything that might bring you down from the tremendous work you've put into the cleanse thus far.

Day Six: Your Personal Life

Though this may be the most difficult day to complete, it is definitely the most rewarding. On Day six, it's time to rid your life of toxic people. Cut off connections from people who constantly complain or bother you. Walk away from a relationship that may be driving you insane in unhealthy ways. This day is something you've been wanting to do for quite a while but just haven't conjured up the courage to do so. Well, now is your time. You've worked so hard all week in making a fresh, clean start. Seal the deal and eliminate anything that might hinder you from continuing your positivity in the near future.

Day Seven: Reward Yourself

Congratulations! You've made it to the last day! By now, you should feel much more refreshed and a lot less stressed. Today, you get to treat yourself. Whether that means buying yourself a new pair of shoes, eating a whole carton of ice cream, or taking a spontaneous road trip, do something you've been wanting to do for a while but haven't had the time or chance to. You deserve nothing but happiness and positivity in your life. Stay clean.

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