65 Things to do While You Wait for Someone to Text You Back
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65 Things to do While You Wait for Someone to Text You Back

Patience is a virtue

65 Things to do While You Wait for Someone to Text You Back

I get it, waiting for someone to text you back sucks, but you might as well do something productive while you wait. Here are a few examples:

  1. Learn how to say the alphabet backwards
  2. Call your grandma
  3. Do your laundry that should’ve been done two weeks ago
  4. Get ahead on your homework for next week (maybe?)
  5. Eat a cookie
  6. Add at least 13 stickers to your laptop
  7. Photoshop your face onto your favorite animal
  8. Rewatch that episode of The Office when Michael burns his foot on his George Foreman grill
  9. Watch every single episode of The Office if you didn’t understand #8
  10. Eat another cookie
  11. Ride your bike
  12. Ride someone else’s bike
  13. Memorize the Starbucks menu
  14. Google the ~secret~ Starbucks menu
  15. Figure out how much Chipotle makes every year by charging extra for guac
  16. Unfollow everyone who doesn’t follow you back on Twitter (you probably should have done this a while ago)
  17. Unmute all your GroupMe’s and see what’s up
  18. Talk to a stranger about their day
  19. Learn about
  20. Send out a text to any other friends who might actually respond
  21. Learn a new language
  22. Eat three more cookies
  23. Read Kanye West’s entire Twitter feed
  24. Actually do the readings for your classes
  25. Learn how to make your favorite food in a mug in the microwave
  26. Watch every single Tasty video on Facebook
  27. Catch up on politics
  28. Call your mom
  29. Leave Post-it notes on everything
  30. Delete all your friends on Facebook that you don’t actually know
  31. Delete all the no longer relevant numbers from your phone
  32. Start recycling
  33. Start a blog
  34. Fill a piece of paper with doodles
  35. Study calculus
  36. Organize your desk
  37. Take all the pictures off of your phone and put them on your computer
  38. Learn all the words to “Rap God”
  39. Eat your vegetables
  40. Make an origami cat
  41. Clean your phone screen and computer screen because they probably look disgusting anyway
  42. Change your Twitter bio
  43. Stare at the ceiling and count how many people copy you
  44. Vow to not care when this person fails to respond to you
  45. And tell all your friends you will not care
  46. Apply for a passport
  47. Or apply to get your passport renewed
  48. Book a flight to a country where you will not have to show your face to anyone relevant when this person never responds to you
  49. Continue to pretend you don’t care
  50. Continue to act like other people actually think you don’t care
  51. Organize your closet
  52. Put “Out of Order” signs up on bathroom stalls
  53. Dance a lil bit
  54. Or a lot bit
  55. Stop lying to yourself and admit you actually care
  56. Accept that it might not be your day, but it can still be your week
  57. Do the dishes
  58. Vacuum
  59. Delete the apps you don’t use off of your phone
  60. Wake up on the right side of the bed
  61. Make tacos
  62. Go to Taco Bell
  63. Plan a road trip
  64. Delete the emails that you don’t need
  65. Anything but sit around waiting like a sad puppy

Good luck!

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