65 Things I Should Totally Thank My Best Friend For But Haven't Yet
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65 Things I Should Totally Thank My Best Friend For But Haven't Yet

The list could go on, but I know you'll get tired after a few of them.

65 Things I Should Totally Thank My Best Friend For But Haven't Yet
Laura Countiss
  1. For always replying to my texts, all 15 them at once, at two in the morning, probably all about the same thing.
  2. For editing my pictures before I post them. Your VSCO skills are remarkable.
  3. For letting me address you by the most hideous nickname ever. It sounds nothing like your actual name but it’s funny.
  4. For actually responding to the name Gayle.
  5. For putting up with me complaining about the same guy over and over, and not getting annoyed with me when you gave me the same advice every time.
  6. For breaking the news to me that the same guy cheated on me (LOL).
  7. For helping me realize he was not even that cute anyway.
  8. For telling me I’m way prettier than the girls he cheated on me with, even if I’m not.
  9. For letting me make you a fake Tinder account. You’ve gotten, like, eight super likes this week, BTW.
  10. For letting me borrow your entire outfit for the Toby Keith concert.
  11. For always letting me borrow your clothes, come to think of it.
  12. For being cool that we don’t have separate wardrobes anymore.
  13. I promise you’ll get them back eventually. You know laundry isn’t my thing.
  14. For coming into my life at the perfect timing. I can’t imagine what my senior year would be like without you.
  15. For agreeing to go on diets with me.
  16. But then driving me to a cookout an hour later.
  17. For not laughing at me when I say “we’ll start tomorrow” after downing a whole tray.
  18. For always letting me have a bite of what you’re eating.
  19. Actually, for accepting I’m going to take a bite anyways when you’re not looking.
  20. For letting me use your shampoo and conditioner, even though Redken is super expensive.
  21. And for letting me use your razor too. It’s not that disgusting if you don’t think about it.
  22. For hating the same people I hate.
  23. For letting me see the social media of the girl that has me blocked.
  24. For stalking the same girls as me and sending me the screen shots saying “I hate myself.”
  25. For running all of my errands with me.
  26. And making them so much more fun and fattening.
  27. For sitting with me for almost three hours while I get my hair done.
  28. And for not talking me out of cutting all of my hair off.
  29. For agreeing to go to the same university as me.
  30. And also agreeing to be my roommate.
  31. But most importantly, pretending we can actually survive together for a year since neither of us have cleaned our rooms since we met.
  32. For agreeing to go to a 1975 concert with me even though you don’t know their music.
  33. But making the best of it and not complaining once.
  34. For just being there for me.
  35. And always giving the best advice.
  36. But never getting mad at me for not taking it.
  37. For not screenshotting the hideous Snapchats I send you. You could have some serious blackmail on me.
  38. For not posting the picture that you look great in, but I look hideous in.
  39. For always liking and retweeting me, even if it’s not that good of a picture or tweet.
  40. For always making room for me in your day.
  41. And your bed <3.
  42. For your family accepting me like I’m one of their own.
  43. For always letting me use your pool, too.
  44. Actually for always having me over. I should probably start paying rent.
  45. For sharing Pinterest boards with me.
  46. For not getting annoyed when you wake up to notifications that I pinned 70 things to our college board.
  47. For letting me laugh at you when you are legitimately scared because of an episode of "Pretty Little Liars."
  48. For liking and hating the same people as me on "The Bachelorette."
  49. Let’s be honest, Robbie is a whiner and looks like he’s wearing a bump-it, and Jordan is just too hot.
  50. For planning which Kendra Scott necklaces we buy so we can share them and have options.
  51. For jamming out in the car with me to “No Hand’s” by Waka Flocka.
  52. “Girrrrllll drop it to the floor I love the way yo booty gooooo.”
  53. For grabbing the wheel when I start dancing too hard.
  54. For always having my back, no matter how stupid I can be.
  55. For being my chauffer because I’m either too lazy to drive, or I’m too broke to fill up my tank.
  56. For not judging me when I show up with an oversized T-shirt, norts and greasy second day hair.
  57. Then agreeing to change for me because you look too cute.
  58. For being so chill about situations I’m so not chill about.
  59. For planning future captions with me and writing them down so I won’t forget them.
  60. For actually liking my party playlist.
  61. And acknowledging that I’m going to play it even if you don’t.
  62. For being my boyfriend.
  63. And attempting to set me up with your boyfriend's friends.
  64. For feeling the same exact way about all of these things.
  65. And most importantly, for pretending that you actually read all of this when I send it to you.

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