60 People Who Would Make A Better President Than Donald Trump
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60 People Who Would Make A Better President Than Donald Trump

It was hard to narrow this list down to just 60 people.

60 People Who Would Make A Better President Than Donald Trump

It's fairly simple, really. There are countless options for the 2016 presidential election that we have failed to consider! You may argue that some of those who made the list are not qualified to be president. If that is the case, I urge you to think, is The Donald qualified?

1. Stephen Colbert

2. Barack Obama for a third term

Four more years!

3. Detective Olivia Benson

4. Former Cherokee Chief Chad Smith

5. Emma Watson

6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The apocalypse has come, and I am beeping her.

7. Cristina Yang

8. My grandmother

9. Kid President

"Don't be mean, be meaningful" -A quote by Kid President that we should all be examining this election.

10. Ellen DeGeneres

11. Walter White

12. Dr. Horrible

13. Actually, Neil Patrick Harris in general

14. Zac Efron

15. Avril Lavigne

16. Zendaya

17. Simba from 'Lion King'

18. Bob Dylan

It sounds like exactly what we need.

19. Michelle Obama

20. Oprah

21. Brandon from 'Humans of New York'

22. Malala Yousafzai

23. Aziz Ansari

Who wouldn't want him to be the face of our nation?

24. Nido Qubein

25. Jodi Picoult

26. Adam Levine

27. Ranjit from 'How I Met Your Mother'

28. Cher

29. The barista who always gives me 20 percent off on my order

30. Any member of the Backstreet Boys

31. Beyonce

She's already our queen, so why not our president?

32. My soccer coach from fourth grade

33. Jon Snow from "Game of Thrones"

34. Lupita Nyong'o

35. The guy whose mugshot went viral

36. My local PetCo manager

37. Every person who pumps your gas for you in New Jersey

38. Steven Avery from "Making a Murderer"

39. My boyfriend's dog, Tyson

I trust him/

40. Ricky Gervais

41. Dre Johnson from "Blackish"

42. Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast"

43. Queen Noor

44. Mulan

She's up to the task.

45. Any of my sister's second grade students

46. My cat, Fluffy

She screams presidential.

47. Joe Biden

48. Anderson Cooper

49. Jim Halpert from "The Office"

Petition to make Dwight the VP.

50. Kristen Bell

51. Phil Dunphy from "Modern Family"

52. Zeek Braverman from "Parenthood"

53. Any citizen from Stars Hollow

54. Elder Price from "The Book of Mormon"

55. Ronald McDonald

56. Shrek

57. Your local State Farm agent

58. My middle school principal

59. Michael Cera

60. Almost anyone else that you could possibly think of

So tell me, America. Is there anyone that I forgot? Let me know in the comment section!

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