This is for kids who grew up when music videos still mattered, and Razr phones were a form of status. Be ready to download these back off your iPod nanos.
1. 1985- Bowling for Soup
Poor Debbie, man. She was gonna be an actress. She was gonna be a star. She was gonna shake her ass on the hood of White Snake's car. But for real, who doesn't scream this song when it comes on? It's old enough to take you back to a different stage of your life, but you remember every freaking word of it. Plus the last minute of that video is like every adolescent dude's dream, so it fits perfectly.
2. Stacy's Mom- Fountains of Wayne
This song sparked every guy for the rest of time replacing the name "Stacy" with whoever's mom is hot in middle school. It also cursed every girl named Stacy for the next decade, at least. But more importantly, STACY'S MOM HAS GOT IT GOING ON.
3. Ignition (Remix)- R Kelly
This one is before our time, but it's the ultimate head bobbing, hip moving, feel good song of the party. Everyone knows the "TOOT TOOT" and the "BEEP BEEP", and everyone enjoys to pretend running their hands through their fro, bouncing on 20-fo's.
4. Since You've Been Gone- Kelly Clarkson
Somewhere along the way, it became acceptable for guys to jump and lose their minds when this song plays, in addition to girls. Maybe that comes with age. Either way, it's so catchy and some of the first American Idol winner's best work. Big ups to the dude who screwed Kelly over to inspire her to create this song (kidding but not kidding).
5. Wagon Wheel- Old Crow Medicine Show
A nice change of pace, simple and to the point. Sorry Darius, the original is way better. I'll take my banjo and rock me any way you feel.
6. Gold Digger- Kanye West
You can be honest. Any time you here Jamie Foxx scream, "SHE TAKE MY MONEY" it gets serious real quick in the party, club, even in your living room. This was the first time I had heard of Kanye, and he broke my radio for months when radio mattered and it was so worth it.