7 Songs You Should Add To Your Playlist For A Lit Spring Break | The Odyssey Online
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7 Songs You Should Add To Your Playlist For A Lit Spring Break

The perfect way to spend your time away from school.

7 Songs You Should Add To Your Playlist For A Lit Spring Break
Cloud Front

Spring break is finally upon us! And while to some of us this means sun, sand, and surf, others don't have the option to fly down with friends to Florida or a tropical island for a week. Regardless of how we all spend our time and enjoy, we all have one commonality: Music. Whether you're listening on the beach or sitting on a blanket in a field, or even just chilling in bed after waking up at 3 pm, we all love a good playlist that complements our wonderful day and hopefully, the weather.

1. "How Far I'll Go" - Moana Soundtrack

It's hard to believe that this amazing masterpiece of a movie came out over three months ago now! While that might seem crazy, what's even crazier is that I've only now just started listening to the album, and I watched the movie for the first time last week! While this entire soundtrack is perfect for the beach and the sunshine and water, I highly recommend How Far I'll Go, because the most recognized song off the album obviously is a success for some reason!

2. "BURNT" - Magic City Hippies

For a much less alternate, following the hottest soundtrack of the 2016 movie season, a small band by the name of Magic City Hippies has created what would easily be embraced as the "song of the summer" if they had been a pop group. BURNT is the ultimate beach vibe song that gets anyone in the mood to sit out in the sun and embrace the rays. While I have been blessed with the horror of skin that burns to a crisp, I won't deny my slight attraction to the sun while I listen to this song!

3. "Opportunistic" - Hippo Campus

Maybe you can recall that band your parents undoubtedly played for you in the car all the time, The Police. Perhaps you'll remember their songs "Roxanne" or "Message in a Bottle." If you ever liked their music, particularly the vocals and tone of the music, I would highly suggest "Opportunistic." With vibes that relate so directly to The Police, even someone who isn't a big fan can get nostalgia to their music. It doesn't hurt that the song is total summer time driving jams.

4. "Shining" - DJ Kahled (feat. Beyoncé & JAY Z)

Is there any good playlist that doesn't include at least one Beyonce song? I mean let's be honest, some of her songs can get overplayed if you aren't a super-fan, so here's a treat. "Shining" is the Queen's new single, released after the Grammy's that aired this February. Who doesn't need a good success track that's great for getting ready at night before a party, or celebrating a year well done? Regardless of what might be going on in your life, we all know that we can enjoy basking in our successes.

5. "Radiate" - Jack Johnson

Is your aesthetic the beach? Do you love the water on your toes and the sand running under your feet? Would you happily take the option to have the sun beating on your shoulders? If you answered yes to any of these questions, "Radiate" is the perfect summer jam for you. Giving vivid descriptions of the wonderful tidepools and beach atmosphere, "Radiate" is the perfect song to listen to on a personal beach day embracing the summer atmosphere and letting yourself be free from stress.

6. "Green Light" - Lorde

Where did she come from? Lorde almost immediately became an overnight sensation this year when it was revealed that her new single would be dropping. Since then, "Green Light" has been widely acclaimed as the hit song of the year. While 2017 bodes to be one of the best years for Alternative music, Lorde manages to bridge the gap between two drastic genres, Alt and Pop, connecting two of the greatest styles of music. Be cooler than all your friends an know every word to this new hit tune!

7. "4AM" - The Mowgli's

So not every night lasts forever as we all know. If you happen to be a serious partier, or just are looking for a refresher after a long night of enjoying yourself and your company, "4AM" is the perfect song for you. Written exactly about the feeling of happiness and overwhelming fatigue we all go through at the end of an evening, "4AM" is the perfect way to revitalize yourself or some friends when it seems like the night might win in stopping you from enjoying those last few hours before the sun rises.

Whether you need a new hit song for a party, or a tune to enjoy during a beach day, music is a great addition to any vacation of any type. Getting some new songs to remind us of a sunny summer day are a great way to add to the positive vibes of any mood!

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