6 Reasons Millennials Should Be Voting In 2016
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6 Reasons Millennials Should Be Voting In 2016

Be a part of the change.

6 Reasons Millennials Should Be Voting In 2016
Scott Sommerdorf | The Salt Lake Tribune

Maybe you’ve been living under a rock, maybe you “couldn’t care less about politics.” Maybe, you have no idea what’s going on. If you can identify with any of those statements, then please, lend me your eyes. Because if you haven’t noticed, we’re making political history right now.

There’s a revolution surrounding you and you should really consider taking part. If you’ve been apathetic previously, there has never been a better time to brush the dust off your interest and dive right in. For political junkies, there has never been a more excitingly terrifying time to be alive — and we’re really hoping it will spark your interest. This is the perfect time to ditch complacency and figure out where you stand.

I’m not here to tell you who to vote for. As a matter of fact, I respect your opinion, and our political differences. But, not voting? That I simply can't accept. Now millennials, I get it. You don’t know what you want for breakfast let alone who you want for president. Voting on a Tuesday night is probably not ideal, and you may even have no idea how to register to vote. If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to care about this election, here are some of the reasons you should be voting in 2016.

1. Your vote makes a difference.

Yes, I said it, and you probably think I’m crazy, but I promise you I’m not. Your individual vote may not sway the polls, but imagine if 150 million people thought just like you do. It’s not a really far-fetched idea… In fact, it’s the reality. In 2012 (the last presidential election), the Washington Post reported that only 57.7 percent of Americans who were eligible to vote cast a ballot — that’s barely over half of the eligible population. While your single ballot may not change the outcome, 150 million ballots can and that starts with you.

2. It's the year of Anti-Establishment candidates.

If you’ve watched the news or subjected yourself to any political commentary recently, you’ve most likely noticed that establishment is the buzzword of this election. So what is the establishment? And why are we so hell-bent on being against it? This took some research, and sadly ended with a very ambiguous definition. However, no matter your political affiliation, anti-establishment candidates are challenging the status quo. This is the year of breaking traditions — and every candidate seems to be jumping on board. If you’d like a say in the direction our country is taking, get out and vote! Things are about to change in a big way and it’s up to you to choose what that change is going to be.

3. We're facing polarized front-runners.

The Democratic and Republican parties have a different way of doing things, and that’s nothing new. If we all thought about issues the same way, our bi-partisan system simply wouldn’t exist. Nevertheless, there hasn’t been an election this polarizing in our lifetime. When you consider the candidates running in the 2016 election, they couldn’t be more different. We, for the first time, are truly experiencing the far right and the far left. Given these extremes, it’s easier than ever to figure out exactly where you fit into the equation of American politics. If you’re having trouble deciding exactly what that is, I’ve found this website incredibly helpful.

4. We have different values than our grandparents.

It’s not a myth that more voters over the age of 65 go to the polls. Maybe they have more time, or a more vested interest. But, I don’t think I’m alone in saying that my grandmother and I usually don’t agree on how to do things. So why are we allowing our grandparents to choose the direction of the country that we are about to inherit? I’m not saying that they’re incapable or that their decisions are wrong, but we’re not voicing our opinions and there’s no excuse for that.

5. Politics are more interesting than we give them credit for.

Politics are what keep our nation afloat, love ‘em or hate ‘em, they’re obviously here to stay. But it’s not as cut and dry as we were led to believe in high school. Politics are actually fascinating. How cool is it to have a say in what happens in our country? Politics give everyone the opportunity to make a difference and to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

6. Millennials are expected to fail.

If I’ve learned anything as part of this generation, it’s that we work incredibly hard. Some of you are working two jobs to get through college; some of you are staying up until 3 a.m. to perfect papers. Some of you are doing both. Some of you decided to carve your own path. We’re the generation of creativity, hard work, and individualism, and we’re the generation being inaccurately represented. We receive a lot of criticism when it comes to our political involvement and work ethic. So consider this a call to action. Let’s prove everyone wrong, and do the one thing they are expecting us not to do; show up on Election Day. If you aren’t registered to vote, here’s a great resource to get you started.

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