6 Reasons "Game Of Thrones" Is The Best Show
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6 Reasons "Game Of Thrones" Is The Best Show

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6 Reasons "Game Of Thrones" Is The Best Show

In 1996, George R. R. Martin introduced readers to the wonderful and magical world of "Game of Thrones," by publishing his first book in his series of fantasy novels titled "A Game of Thrones." Little did he know that one day his books would be turned into one of the best TV shows to have ever been brought to the silver screen. Supported by a stellar cast and an incredible story line filled with love, deception, magic, murder here are six reasons why "Game of Thrones" is the best show ever.

1. The plot.

One of the main reasons the show is loved by so many viewers is because of the plot. The scale of the world that George R. R. Martin has created has left its viewers awed and is also supported by a stellar cast consisting of famous actors and actresses -- namely, Sean Bean, Peter Dinklage and Lena Headey. The sheer unpredictability of the plot leaves the viewers in shock and craving for more. Just when you think that you have it all figured out, an unexpected death happens or a seemingly bad character finally finds his way. The show is basically a roller coaster of emotions!

2. Landscape and set pieces.

"Game of Thrones" is a visual treat for viewers. You are treated to awe inspiring visuals which is a mix of CGI and god given beauty. The filming takes place in various parts of Europe such as Morocco, Ireland, Croatia, Greece and Malta. If you are a person who loves natural beauty or just a fan of photography, you will love the show! Another great aspect of the show is probably the larger than life set pieces which are made for the wars.

3. Tyrion Lannister.

"I drink and I know stuff." This line perfectly describes the sort of character Tyrion Lannister is. Sure the other characters of the show such as John Snow and Cersei Lannister are talented, but Tyrion stands out as he is the most resilient and shrewd one out of the lot. His witty comments and intelligence instantly make him a fan favourite. He is the perfect example of why physical shortcomings should never make a person feel less privileged and should focus on the greater picture.

4. Villains.

"Game of Thrones" has its fair share of villains. Iwan Rheon and Jack Gleeson flawlessly play their roles as the villains of the show. Ramsay Bolton and King Joffrey are quiet possibly two of the most hated characters to have ever been brought to the silver screen. Never have you hated someone so much that you actually smiled seeing a child die in front of his mother, while she wept uncontrollably. This in fact is the reason why they are such great actors!

5. Supporting cast and dialogue

Perhaps the most strongest aspect of "Game of Thrones" is the supporting cast and the dialogue delivery. All the characters of the show are well written and there are no uni-dimensional characters in the show whatsoever. Coupled with a stellar cast, "Game of Thrones" has a pretty good arsenal of dialogue writers. The dialogues are engaging and help bring the characters to life. Character such as Jon Snow inspire you to never give up and Daenerys Targareyen or Kahleesi sets a good example to woman to stand up for their rights. She serves as a perfect role model for women who have grown up in a male dominated society to never give up and to stand up against patriarchy.

6. Mythical creatures.

Similar to "Lord of the Rings," "Game of Thrones" has its own share of mythical creatures, such as dragons and giants. The dragons are a visual beauty and its always a lot of fun to see them in action. There are white-walkers too which serve as a treat to all the Walking Dead fans out there and you get to see them in action a lot too!

So, if you still haven't seen the show yet, I suggest that you do. Get ready for a roller coaster ride!

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