50 Things To Think About When You're High
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60 Weird Thoughts that will blow your mind

In the shower, walking, working, or on the bus, you’ve left the real world behind, and very frequently things open up for you. Here are some great examples.

60 Weird Thoughts that will blow your mind
Teaching High School Psychology

Whether it's shower thoughts or ideas we had while we are high, I bet we have all thought of some weird things at one point or another. Here are 50 weird thoughts from the internet and from me.

1. Food Vs Drink

In the English language you can drink a drink but you don't food a food.

- me and apparently quite a few other people on the internet

2. Living Room

Can you die in a living room? Has anyone ever died in a living room? It would be the most ironic death to have. If somebody dies in a living room, is it still a living room?

3. Multi universe Theory

If the multi-universe theory is true, is there a universe where it isn't?

4. Fly

If a fly losses its wings is it now a walk?

5. Lightning McQueen

Would Lightning McQueen get car insurance or life insurance?

6. Pinocchio

What would happen if Pinocchio said his nose was going to grow?

7. Rainday

If it rains on a Sunday does that mean that it's now Rainday?

8. Bedroom

When you buy a bigger bed you have more bed room but less bedroom.

9. Blind Dreams

Can a blind person see their dreams?

10. Cinderella

If her outfit was supposed to disappear at midnight, why did her shoe not go away too? Also if Cinderella's shoes fit perfectly to her feet, why did one fall off in the first place?

11. Moonwalking

If you moonwalk on the moon, are you just walking?

12. Cookies & Bacon

Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?

13. Deaf Thoughts

If someone is born deaf, what language do they think in? Do they think in written words and pictures? Do they think in sign language?

14. Seaweed

If you were to smoke weed at sea, does that make it seaweed?

15. OMG

Would Jesus Christ say "oh my God" or "oh my dad"?

16. Race

If you were in a race by your self, would you finish in first or last?

17. Driving

Why do we drive on parkways and park in driveways?

18. Sweater

If you sweat in a sweater, does that make you the sweater?

19. Mars

When Mars becomes colonized, will anyone born there be considered a Martian?

20. Fetch

What if the dog brings the toy, ball, or stick back to you just because they think you enjoy throwing it and want to make you happy?

- me

21. Tomato

If tomatoes are really a fruit, is ketchup a jelly/jam?

22. Water

If humans are mostly water, does that mean that Earth is mostly human?

23. I'm Sorry

I'm sorry and I apologize have the exact same meaning unless you are at a funeral.

24. Building

Why is a building called a building if it's already built?

25. Apple Houses

If Apple were to make houses, would the houses have Windows?

26. God

Assuming the bible and Christianity are real, God created us but who created God? Did he create himself and if so how? Did somebody else create him and if so, does that mean that there really is more than one God but he's too egotistical to acknowledge this since he wants all attention on himself? And who would have made the God that made God? Did the big bang perhaps make God instead? If the big bang made God, is that a good enough thought/explanation to how the world was created, that would make both scientists and religious people happy and thus bringing upon peace between the two very different ways of thinking?

Also what if God stays in Heaven and doesn't interact with us as much anymore because he actually fears what he has created?

- Me and quite a few other people on the internet

27. Age-Old Question

If it was possible to eat all of yourself would you become twice as big or would you disappear?

- Pretty much everyone

28. "Dora The Explorer"

If Dora is an explorer, why does she only visit mapped areas?

29. Answers

If you replace the w with a t in what, where, when, you have an answer.

30. Hitler

What would have happened if Hitler would have got accepted into the Vienna art school? Would Hitler ever have got into politics at all? Would he still have written "Mein Kampf" or became such a powerful leader? Would there still have been Jew hatred and concentration camps? Would Germany have even been in world war 2? Would we be studying Adolf Hitler as a great artist with a charismatic personality instead of a powerful dictator that many will agree is a horrible person?

- Me

31. Holy Shit

If you take a shit at church does that make it a holy shit?

32. Fossils

I the future, will modern humans ever be dug up and displayed at a museum-like we did to dinosaur fossils and to the cavemen? Will there ever be a human version of Jurassic Park in which humans have the dino roles and the human roles will be replaced by whatever is the future's newest highest position life form and will this life form think that this Jurassic Park is something they came up with all their own?

- me

33. Radiation

In Japan, radiation makes giant monsters like Godzilla but in America, radiation creates superheroes.

34. Is Life Really Unfair?

If life is unfair to everyone, doesn't that make life fair?

35. History

History classes are only going to get longer and more difficult as time goes on.

36. Fire

Nothing is on fire, fire is on things.

37. Time is Money

If time is money, is an ATM a time machine?




38. Lasagna

Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.

39. Argument

If two vegans or vegetarians argue, is it still considered beef?

40. Nine Months

If babies are in the womb for 9 months, why aren't they considered 9 months old when they are born?

41. Packages

Deliveries by ships are cargo and deliveries by car are shipments.

42. Home Work

If a teacher gives a homeless kid homework, is it still considered homework?

43. Actions

They say actions speak louder than words but isn't speaking an action?

44. Speed Run

Would every Sonic play though be considered a speed run?

45. Cheese Cake

Cheesecake is secretly a pie.

- my brother Chris, some of his friends, and me.

46. Clapping

Clapping is repeatedly hitting yourself because you like something.

47. Grammar Nazi

The person who would proofread Hitler's speeches was a grammar nazi.

48. Dirt

Whenever you dig up a rock or some dirt, that could be the first time it has seen the sun in millions of years.

49. Ninjas

What if every country has ninjas and we only know about Japan's ninjas because they are so bad at being ninjas?

50. Poop

Every day, someone on Earth takes the biggest poop in the whole world for that day. That person could even be you!

51. Conspiracies

There should be a reality show where flat-earthers have to find the edge of the world.

52. Aging

They put music from the 50s and 60s in medicine commercials to appeal to the older generation... meaning sometime in the future, Despacito will be playing on a commercial for laxatives.

53. Parties

When we're young, we sneak out of our house to go to parties. When we're old, we sneak out of parties to go home.

54. Big Brother

George Orwell predicted cameras watching us in our homes, but he didn't predict that we would buy and install them ourselves.

55. Vandalism

Smartphones are probably responsible for reducing graffiti in public toilets

55. Running

If you run at 11pm you are a night person. If you run at 5am you are a morning person. If you run at 3am you are a suspicious person.

56. Hairstyles

At special occasions girls with curly hair straighten it and girls with straight hair curl it.

57. Witches and Cats

Witches have black cats because if they had white cats they would have white cat hair all over their clothes.

58. Work Hours

We're lucky that our bodies require sleep, otherwise our cultures would have us working 16-20 hour days.

59. Veggies

The best part of cucumber, tastes like the worst part of watermelon.

60. Scams

One of the biggest scams in life was your mom saying she won't get angry if you say the truth.

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