It is finally the last week of the school year. Sure, you will be swamped with finals, but we all know we won't spend an entire 120-hour school week studying. Here's a list of things that you can do when taking a break, or when you're just over studying.
- Buy a swimsuit for vacation
- Eat the rest of your dorm snacks so they don’t go bad
- Eat something on campus you haven’t had before
- Find a good place to study for finals
- Go to one of the museums on campus
- Pin ideas for your apartment
- Make a packing list for vacation
- Start selling stuff you don’t need, now that you’re moving out of your dorm
- Finish the movie you stopped watching on Netflix
- Start a new TV show
- Paint your toes a summery color
- Plan what you are gonna wear on the last day of finals
- Plan what you are gonna eat with your last meal exchange
- Take upperclassman friends to the Caf
- Delete friends on Facebook
- Cry about the fact you won’t be within walking distance of Raising Cane’s anymore
- Talk to the kid in class you’ve never talked to
- Research planners and organizational tips to make you motivated
- Buy a house plant and name it
- Play a random playlist on Spotify to find new songs
- Start planning Big/Little crafts
- Wear a crazy lip color
- Find a motivational quote and set it as your phone wallpaper
- Finish your FitBit step goal for the week
- Untag yourself from old embarrassing pictures on Facebook
- Call your parents
- Say ‘Thanks’ to your RA
- And your professors
- Go to the gym one last time (or for the first time)
- Spend an hour taking BuzzFeed quizzes
- Learn how to play solitaire with physical cards
- Buy a mug from Starbucks with your Meal Points
- Try and go to Crossroads after 12 AM
- Start slowly taking down your dorm decor
- Refrain from buying any more room decor
- Clean your dishes
- And take out your trash
- Sweep too, maybe?
- Stalk your favorite celebrity’s insta
- Go see a movie in Meacham
- Start Googling how to cook
- Clear your email
- Think of all the money you’ll earn during your summer job
- Or find a summer job if you don’t have one
- Join in on a campus tour
- Clean your makeup brushes
- Pick a non-required book to read during summer
- Sell your textbooks
- See if you remember your Webkinz password
- Finally study the night before your final
*P.S I do not condone not studying for finals. You need to pass your class. You need to graduate.