50 Things To Care About More Than How Many People A Woman Has Slept With
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50 Things To Care About More Than How Many People A Woman Has Slept With

Because I really have to talk about THIS!

50 Things To Care About More Than How Many People A Woman Has Slept With

Well, I guess that I have to write this. Here’s the thing, the more I talk to my (mostly) male friends, the more I hear the same situation. Guy (or girl) meets girl, they hit it off. The more they talk, the more things come out about their pasts. I hear more “sad stories” of guys breaking up with girls over how many people a woman had slept with than I do any story about cheating.

As a woman, I tried my best to assure these fellows that there is so much more to care about than a woman’s sex life. So, for the future stories, I run into of the same old sexist reason. I give you these.

1. Does she put pineapple on pizza?

2. How does she feel about the Star Wars prequels?

3. Can she actually hold up a conversation?

4. Is she a Jake or Logan Paul fan? (If so... RUN)

5. Is she a dog or cat person?

6. Apple or Android?

7. Mac or PC?

8. Marvel or DC?

9. If she so chooses to eat a steak, how does she like her red meat?

10. What are her career goals?

11. Can she actually show her interests instead of saying “I just like everything,” or “I really don’t have a favorite (song/musical artist/movie/actor/actress)”?

12. Does she actually, genuinely make you happy?

13. Does she act cordial to your friends?

14. Coke or Pepsi?

15. Is she one for a night out or a night in?

16. Is she a good kisser or does she have NO idea what she’s doing?

17. Is she more of a morning person or a night owl?

18. Can she enjoy a lazy Sunday morning with you?


20. Can she make you laugh?

21. How does she like her coffee?

22. Is she Team Captain America or Team Iron Man?

23. Does she smoke cigarettes? (Because, EW!)

24. Is she one of those suffocating types of girlfriends?

25. Is she the jealous type?

26. What is her favorite food?

27. Does she wear stripes with polka dots?

28. Is she secretly a giant purple dinosaur named Barney? (I’m not here to judge)

29. What kind of music does she listen to?

30. Is her laugh NOT annoying?

31. Is she a decent driver?

32. What is her favorite pizza topping? (Hope it’s not Pineapple)

33. How is she like with your family?

34. What kind of sauce does she dip her Chicken McNuggets in?

35. Does her breath smell no matter what she does to try to control it?

36. Can she make a good joke?

37. How well-versed is she in her memes?

38. Does she feel that department stores put out their Christmas decorations out WAY too early for it to be correct?

39. Does she believe that Avril Lavigne is actually dead and actually replaced by Melissa?

40. Does she know all the words to Mr. Brightside by The Killers?

41. Does your family like her?

42. Does she know all the words to the "Drake and Josh" theme song?

43. Can she quote SpongeBob like it’s her second language?

44. Is she not embarrassed to sing her favorite song obnoxiously?

45. Is she Team EDWARD or Team JACOB?

46. Is she a weeaboo?

47. Is she secretly a furry?

48. Does she not care about her goofy noises her stomach makes?

49. Is she addicted to energy drinks? (Because... Ew)

50. Do you like her, or love her?

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