50 Signs Y'all Grew Up In The South
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50 Signs Y'all Grew Up In The South

There's nothing sweeter than the good ole' south.

50 Signs Y'all Grew Up In The South
Makayla Houser

For people who aren't from the south, it's easy to look into our lifestyle and make judgements. While some of the assumptions are true, we aren't necessarily a bunch of "rednecks" and "hicks". Though we may go about things differently, I wouldn't trade living in the south for anything. The south is more than rebel flags, cowboy boots, and camo. It's a culture influenced by faith and genuine hospitality. It's about swinging on the back porch on cool, summer nights. It's a cold glass of sweet tea after a hard day of work. It's a good life- simple, but often misunderstood. Get to know us.

Here are 50 signs that you live in the south:

1. You are often told that you have a "country" accent.

But you don't hear it yourself.

2. "Ya'll" is a part of your everyday vocabulary.

3. You are surrounded by small towns that people have never heard of.

4. At the first sign of snow, schools cancel or have delays.

It's always nice to have a day off, though.

5. The weather can never make up its mind.

6. Fried liver mush, bacon, and grits are a part of an everyday breakfast.

7. You eat fried everything.

Literally, everything. Fried chicken, fried pork chops, fried onions, fried squash, fried potatoes, fried green tomatoes, fried okra, fried pickles, etc.

8. There’s a deer crossing sign somewhere in your county.

Because deer will cross anywhere, at anytime.

9. You’ve been stuck behind a tractor on the highway before.

10. Small “mom and pop” shops close on Sundays.

11. Your mom makes you dress up for holidays.

12. You’ve been to a tractor pull before.

13. You went to the pumpkin patch for a field trip in elementary school.

14. There’s a creek somewhere near your house.

This was way cheaper than buying a swimming pool.

15. Spring is a very rainy season.

16. You have more than one pet.

17. You pass a field whenever you drive somewhere.

18. You were taught how to shoot a gun at an early age.

19. The sweeter the tea, the better.

20. You have a pair of cowboy boots in your closet somewhere.

You can rock them with anything!

21. You learned patience from fishing.

Nothing was more satisfying than catching a fish after a long wait!

22. You’ve gone cruising before on a Friday night.

23. Your local hair stylist knows all the latest gossip.

24. You see people wearing camo even when they aren't hunting.

25. Sometimes baptisms are held outside in creeks.

26. Sports are big where you're from.

27. There's an FFA club (Future Farmers of America) at your local high school.

Someone you are related to is usually a member.

28. You grow your own gardens.

29. You either went to a small college/university near you...

30. ...Or you went to the farthest college that accepted you!

31. You call dinner "supper".

32. NO mayonnaise brand can compete with "Duke's."

Argue with any Southern mama about it, and she will give you the debate of your life!

33. "Over Yonder" is a direction used by many.

34. You've fallen asleep many nights to the sounds of frogs, cicadas, or crickets.

35. There's a home remedy for almost every ailment you have.

Some remedies I grew up hearing were: rubbing lemon juice on acne, putting snuff or a piece of potato on a bee sting, using mouthwash as a mosquito repellant, and soaking your sore feet in Epsom salt and hot water.

36. You go to your county's fair every year.

There's nothing else like a day filled with giant turkey legs, funnel cakes, candy apples, and riding rides until you regret eating that much food!

37. Town parades, tailgate parties, and potluck dinners are big events.

38. You eat Sunday dinners at Grandma's house.

Older Southern women love to cook big meals for family.

39. You know the difference between collard greens and turnip greens.

You usually have a favorite kind. You also know how many it takes to make a "mess" of them.

40. Your mom spent a lot of summer days canning vegetables.

41. You do your best to avoid poison oak, poison ivy, and sumac.

All three are very unpleasant. But the itching can be helped with calamine lotion or an oatmeal bath.

42. You paint your chigger bites with nail polish to control the itching.

Chiggers are a form of mites that have a very itchy bite! Nail polish combats the itching and allows the bite time to heal without you messing with it.

43. You eat fried bread, homemade biscuits, or cornbread with almost every meal.

44. You know what a "hickory switch" is used for.

45. You pass a yard sale every Saturday in the summer.

46. You know RC is the cheapest soda around.

It may only be 89 cents, but it's even better than Coca-Cola.

47. You know how to get the honey out of a honeysuckle.

And it tastes so good!

48. We are not shy with the use of butter, salt, or pepper.

49. There's a church around almost every corner.

50. You learned manners and hospitality at a young age.

Oh, there's nothing sweeter than the good ole' South.

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