Who else wants to go outside right now without their jackets? It’s almost that time. Actually, it should already be that time..but since the weather isn’t satisfying yet, we have more time to prepare to make the best of the upcoming summer. Just enjoying the fact that it won’t be snowing, won’t be enough. Soaking up the hot rays is only one way to make sure you have s brag worthy season.
1.Have as many beach days as possible
Not to be a downer, but let’s face it. You only get a few months where you can actually enjoy sitting at the beach wearing nothing but a bathing suit. Taking advantage of those warm days is a luxury when you live in New England. Nothing is better than a day off in the summer, no clouds in the sky and a good book while laying on a towel. Sitting by the pool works too, but nothing compares to watching the waves over the sunset.
2.Get healthy
No more excuses. There’s no school and calling in sick becomes a regular occurrence. This means that having extra time in the summer will allow you to prioritize better. Exercising in the warm weather, on the beach or even going for a night walk while the breeze tickles your skin, will help get you into shape. Everyone wants that bathing suit body, so enjoy the summer cookouts and go for the refreshing watermelon.
3.Skip theme parks, go on a day trip instead!
Hearing kids yelling and running around all day at a theme park while dropping your entire paycheck on admissions, is not ideal for most people. Forget the stress of going to parks and do your own thing with friends. Pack up the car with your towels and bags, and go on an inexpensive day trip with friends. Singing along to your favorite tracks and laughing on the way to a beach or festival, is much better than waiting an hour in line to ride a coaster that will make you dizzy afterwards.
4.Get a tan, not a sunburn
Aside from the fact that getting a sunburn is bad for your skin, it will make you feel better too. Nothing is more irritating and uncomfortable than trying to sleep with a sunburn covered in lotion that isn’t working. Don’t forget to pack that sunscreen in your beach bag and apply generously. You will still get that sun kissed glow, just without the burn and peeling.
5.Star gazing at night
Summer isn’t just about being out in the sun. Enjoying the night is just as calming. The warm breeze while looking at the stars, is probably one of the most amazing things you can do. Being next to the person you love, staring at the stars and hearing the waves in the distance, is so much better when the weather is warm and you have nowhere else to be.