5 Tips for Handling a Dramatic Friend Group
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5 Tips for Handling a Dramatic Friend Group

I guess no one told you life was gonna be this way?

5 Tips for Handling a Dramatic Friend Group
InTouch Weekly

Everyone has been involved in a crazy, hyper-emotional, constantly shifting friend group where at least one person seems to be on the edge of an emotional breakdown at any given moment. They're exhausting and time consuming, and sometimes we find ourselves caught up with the drama and are unable to escape it. Here are some tips to handling drama and being a non-confrontational floater that no one ever calls out.

1.) Stay In Your Lane

This one must go first in this list due to how absolutely essential it is to know. Whenever two of your friends are fighting and want you to pick sides: refuse. Don't meddle in their fights, don't steal or flirt with their significant others, don't date exes, and never ever talk about people behind their back. Your gossip will always come back to you, and you don't want to be called out for not keeping your mouth shut. Just smile, nod when they complain to you, but overall, STAY OUT OF IT.

2.) Mind Your P’s and Q’s

For the love of God and all that is holy, please watch your mouth when you get drunk. You never know what dumb thing is gonna come flying out of your mouth after you’ve drank half a bottle of whiskey and lose your inhibitions. Your best course of action would be to either not get wasted around people you have dirt on, or to learn how to be a smiley, quiet drunk that's so wasted they can't even speak. Or, you know, you could just avoid alcohol all together and be one of those people on the sidelines who gets to watch everyone act up and be a witness to all the drunken foolishness that your friends have to offer (but forget). Trust me, even though going to a party sober sounds boring, it can almost be just as fun as going drunk.

3.) Listen To The Gossip, But Never Contribute

When two of your friends start talking about another person in your group, sometimes tuning them out isn't the smartest. Always listen and ingest what they're saying, because that information may be useful in understanding an issue that will come up later on. If they're talking about someone else behind their back, there's a very high chance they talk about you behind yours, and you always want to know as much dirt on everyone else as they know about you. (This may sound harsh, but unfortunately, it's the truth.)

4.) Store Blackmail In Case Of Emergency

Screenshots of texts, incriminating photos and even audio recordings of conversations you overhear are important for blackmail. Just like in the last point, there may be a time when someone wants to spill the tea on something you did, and it's important to have ammo to defend yourself from them when that time comes. Gather as much dirt on everyone in your friend group so when they come for you, you have receipts to pull out. Don't be the fool caught lookin’ stupid when you get called out and have nothing to defend yourself. (However, if you mind your own business, they won't have anything to hold against you in the first place!)

5.) Don't Date Your Friends

The guy friend you've been crushing on in your group will probably not end up being the Chandler to your Monica. Trust me. Dating in friend groups can be fun for awhile, but once the two of you break up, there's gonna be a really awkward hole for awhile before everyone forgets about the whole thing and moves on. When friends break up, it's not just a break up between two people, it can be the break up of the group. If things ended badly, people may be forced the pick sides (and they may not pick yours!) You should probably go for someone outside your group so that when you end things, your friends won't get caught in your mess and left not knowing what to do. Outside relationships are cleaner and easier to process for a group as big and dramatic as yours, and your friends will inevitably choose your side over theirs.

This list may come off as a little bitter or petty to some, but if you're gonna have bitter and petty friends, sometimes you have to stoop to their level for awhile to stay afloat. If you ever find yourself in a group that has become absolutely unbearable, feel free to leave it as soon as possible. It will be extremely difficult, but your mental health will thank you in the long run. Good luck, mind ya own business, and don't be a drama queen.

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