5 Of My All-Time Favorite 'Criminal Minds' Quotes
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5 Of My All-Time Favorite 'Criminal Minds' Quotes

Just hearing the opening and closing lines from a quote always made my day.

5 Of My All-Time Favorite 'Criminal Minds' Quotes
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Alright, who else just loves hearing the beginning of any "Criminal Minds" episode's quote? Or the ending quote for each episode? Because I don't know about y'all, but I absolutely love, love, love hearing them because I'm that much of a geek. I am a geek and I'm proud of it! I admit it! There is no shame if you love hearing the quotes the writing staff finds to open and close each of the episodes or hearing a particular cast member read said quote. I'm just an English nerd who literally fangirls when she hears a particular quote by a particular author or poet. I can't help it. I think it's a sin for anyone who watches this show and doesn't appreciate the wonder and the extra emotional punch to the gut a quote can do. Even if it's a small one—like less than two lines or sentences.

You can't go wrong with quotes because they add something that a few sentences of dialogue can never give. The tone, the emotional pull, or even the image those few words make the audience feel or think about. Now, here are my Top 5 favorite quotes from "Criminal Minds."

1. "When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you."—Friedrich Nietzsche

From the very first time I heard this quote being said by Jason Gideon in the first episode of Season One, I immediately became hooked. Don't get me wrong, the contents of the pilot episode was what kept me going to watch all the way to the end where Gideon says this awesome quote in the first place. But, the reason why this is number one is because of how well-thought out the creators of "Criminal Minds" were when they had picked it. If most of you have watched this show, then you completely understand that the entirety of "Criminal Minds" is an abyss. What we watch in our homes every Wednesday night are basically the horrors we basically turn a blind eye to in everyday life.

Think about it. If I hadn't started watching this show then I would have been able to sleep a lot easier and not be so damn paranoid every time I go and take the garbage out at night. But the fact of the matter is, I did watch it. I continue to watch the lives of these fictitious characters and the actors and actresses who play them. I watch it because I want to be able to see them get past the abyss they constantly look at all the time, just so people like us can sleep easier at night. This ending quote also sets the tone for the rest of the seasons, too, if you think about it. Everything the BAU has gone through and continues to experience is something they cannot simply pass easily with a smile. They have to look into the abyss they voluntarily signed up for because someone has to and because they want to protect their own families.

It's what anyone in the police department, FBI, CIA, etc. do in real life. They look into that abyss and let it almost become a part of them every day so we can continue living our ordinary lives.

2. "The healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers."—Carl Jung

What can I not say about this quote? It is so true on so many levels that I cannot even begin to organize my thoughts. There are so many ways I can tie this quote to common everyday things in life such as bullied kids becoming the bully or someone who's suffered a great deal decides to make more suffer along with them before they end their own suffering.

The fact of the matter is that most people can tell you from their own personal experiences that those who are "tortured" tend to want vengeance. That revenge can either get a lot of people in trouble because they are blinded by the lack of justice and decide to take it into their own hands. I don't think I've ever heard about anyone who had a rather pretty good life become a bully or take justice into their own hands. I could be wrong, but I hear more people talk about being hurt by someone else and want revenge just so they can get even.

3. "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."—George Orwell

Again, quotes like this can be taken from hundreds of years ago and be applied today. There is so much deceit and lies nowadays that it's hard to find honesty and truth. You never know who you can truly believe anymore what with the internet making it so easy for people to create new identities to catfish other people. The fact that it's so much easier to lie rather than simply tell the truth is a bit disturbing, to say the least. Why must it be an act of God for someone to just tell the truth? It is indeed a revolutionary act. A dying species that is quickly and surely becoming extinct as time goes on.

4."Sometimes there are no words. No clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day... sometimes the day... just... ends."—Aaron Hotchner

I like this quote for many reasons and the first one is simply because of the fact that it's from the character himself. The second is because of how Hotch completely understands that there isn't really a way to tie the day together in a neat little box. Sometimes it just ends and rolls on to the next day. Whatever has happened today, whatever terrible awful thing or something amazing, sometimes it just goes by without you so much as noticing. There aren't any words to describe the feeling for more than five minutes—no ways to show how ecstatic or hurt or angry you are for very long.

Granted, to you, it might feel like hours have gone by or days that you've felt this same emotion, but really, it just ends. The world keeps moving no matter how upset or angry or happy you are.

5. "Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed."—G. K. Chesterton

Okay, who doesn't like the idea of dragons and fairy tales? Like, I don't know about y'all but I've always loved anything with a dragon in it even if said dragon died due to a knight in shining armor saving the princess. I don't know if it's just because of the whole admiration for their beauty and power or what, but it's just something about dragons that has always held my attention.

So, of course, this one would be on my list! Anyway, I love this one because it shows that children don't need to be told that monsters, fairies, angels, dragons, etc., are in fact real. However, they do need someone to tell them that they can be killed. They need someone who can tell them that the monsters in the night can be killed and aren't as all powerful as they appear. I think that's why I love this quote so much (other than the fact that it has dragons in it, mind you) because it shows a child's innocence and how precious that innocence is. How important it is that we, as older and more experienced adults, protect them from losing that innocence for as long as possible as we guide them down the right path.

So, there are my Top 5 favorite quotes! I know there are a lot considering how many seasons there are, but don't worry, we'll discuss those too. In any case, these quotes spoke to me in a way that the others were unable to do. Granted, those quotes that didn't make this list are nothing beyond spectacular in their own right, these just happened to touch my heart.

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