My routine as a Sophomore is so much different than what it was last year. Why? Because I have gotten a lot smarter about how to balance my schedule--the things that I have to do and the things that I would like to do. I used to think that, as somebody who doesn't party, college was all about studying and that I couldn't do anything extra besides taking an hour each weekend to hang out with my friends or go to a game. I was so wrong and now realize that it is very important to participate in activities outside of activities while, of course, keeping up with my work. So here are 5 pieces of advice that I would tell my Freshman self.
I was known amongst my professors for pulling all-nighters. It was not that I waited until the last minute to start my work. I would start a few days before my deadline, but my timing was still off. With my physical disability, it takes me three times as long as everyone else to type out my work, so I was not accounting for the extra time that I needed. Even if you don't have a disability, you should get a feel for how long your work takes you to do and plan accordingly. You will be so much healthier and more attentive if you get your sleep.
2. Exercise.
Taking time to get physically active is also very important even if it means getting up earlier. Your mind will be sharper, your body will be healthier, and you will be happier.
3. Get involved.
Is there a club that you want to join but you feel like you don't have time? It really is important to get involved on campus socially and emotionally. Joining a club will also help you manage your time better as it will motivate you to get your work done so that you can go to the meetings.
4. Be smart about your free time.
Got an hour between classes? Want the evening free to do as you please? Bring study materials so that you can use the time between classes to do work and have more time later for fun.
5. Plan ahead.
Be proactive and look at the week ahead so that you can figure out how to fit all that you need to do and want to do into your schedule.
Even if you are not a Freshman, I would recommend taking these pieces of advice. Doing so will help you to get the most out of your college experience!