6 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier | The Odyssey Online
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6 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier

You don't even have to eat kale!

6 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier
Margaret Geist

Growing up, I lived a pretty healthy childhood. My parents kept few snacks in the house, never allowed me and my brothers to drink pop, and always cooked us balanced dinners of meat, vegetables, and carbohydrates. While we did indulge in sweets through the occasional trip to Dairy Queen or a delicious homemade cookie recipe, I felt most of my eating habits were pretty healthy. As I got older, I noticed my friends had pantries full of Goldfish crackers, Chips Ahoy, and Cheetos.

I was jealous that they got to eat junk food all the time, while I was stuck grabbing an apple or some almonds when I was hungry at home. Going away to college, I realized I’d have the freedom to eat what I wanted, finally! However, after one year at college, I began to realize how important it is to actually eat healthy. As we age, our bodies react more to we put into them, and while I’m not saying to ditch the junk food completely, making tiny changes can really help in the long run.

1. Start the day off strong

This one should be easy. By beginning your day with a big strong breakfast, you set a precedent for the rest of the day. Make sure to enjoy something involving protein for some energy, like eggs, oats, and maybe a smoothie with almond milk.

2. Find yummy recipes

There are countless delicious (and healthy!) recipes on the Internet (Pinterest boards, anyone?), and one great way to take advantage is to find some good bar recipes. These can range from a breakfast substitute, a post-workout treat, or just a way to eat your sweets and feel good about it. Ingredients in these bars can range from peanut butter and chocolate to coconut and fruit.

3. Swap your foods

Snacks like chips, chocolate and popcorn may taste delicious but they won’t fill you up. You’ll eat and eat the empty calories until the bags are empty and your stomach is too. Instead, try and substitute snack foods with more filling options. Instead of pasta noodles, try zucchini noodles. Or replace potatoes with mashed cauliflower. Instead of crackers and cookies, dip fruit in peanut butter or chocolate. You’ll save some money and some calories!

4. Get some protein

One important part of staying full of energy and full of food is protein. This element is key to a healthy diet. Find protein in quinoa, beans, avocado, Greek yogurt, tofu, eggs and almonds. Add quinoa to salads or in place of pasta, sprinkle fruit and granola in Greek yogurt, and cook up some eggs to throw in a stir fry, a salad, or even just for breakfast.

5. Make fast food fabulous

When it comes to going out to eat, it can be easy to swing by McDonald’s for a greasy cheeseburger. However, many of your favorite restaurants carry healthy alternatives. For example, opt for no cheese or sour cream on your burrito bowl at Chipotle for half the calories. Try the Spinach and Feta Wrap from Starbucks for a cheesy, green sandwich that will fill you up more than any croissant would. Instead of loading up on cheese and meat, try throwing some veggies on the next pizza you order out.

6. Treat yourself

Eating healthy is all about balance. You don’t have to eat like a bird all day every day, just make sure to keep everything balanced! Have some pizza, but try to top it with veggies instead of sausage. Enjoy some McDonald’s but don’t rely on it for every meal. Try some fruit for dessert instead of cake. Small changes can create healthy habits that’ll have longterm effects like clear skin, higher energy levels, and maybe a discovery of a new favorite food.
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