5 Slytherins That Are NOT Evil
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5 Slytherins That Are NOT Evil

"Evil" is not a trait of Slytherin house.

5 Slytherins That Are NOT Evil
Warner Bros. Pictures

Out of the four Hogwarts houses, Slytherin has the worst reputation.

Each house has traits specific to them, Slytherin’s being traits such as cunning, ambitious, and resourceful. Unfortunately, many people seem to think Slytherin’s only trait is evil. Sure, Voldemort and most of his followers were Slytherins, but there have been plenty of people from this house that weren’t evil.

Here are five non-evil wizards that were sorted into Slytherin.

1. Andromeda Tonks

Andromeda Tonks is sister to Narcissa and Bellatrix and she’s Sirius Black’s favorite cousin. The Black family had some strong beliefs about blood purity and both of her sisters grew up to be Death Eaters. Due to their prejudice, the family disowned Andromeda when she married muggle-born Ted Tonks. They had a daughter, Nymphadora, who grew up to be an Auror that was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Andromeda’s daughter and son-in-law, Remus Lupin, died in the Battle of Hogwarts. She raised her grandson, Teddy, in their absence.

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2. Regulus Black

Regulus Black, the younger brother of Sirius Black, played a key part in the defeat of Voldemort. He was a Death Eater and learned about one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Slytherin’s locket. He sent the house-elf Kreacher as a spy to learn how to reach the locket to destroy it. The Horcrux was able to be destroyed because of Regulus and his kindness to Kreacher inspired the elf to lead an army of his kind to fight against Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts.

3. Horace Slughorn

Slughorn taught at Hogwarts as potions master and head of Slytherin house and “collected” the most talented students in his club. Unfortunately, he was manipulated by one of his favorites, Tom Riddle, giving him important information about Horcruxes. When the Dark Lord came to power, Slughorn was guilt-ridden and spent his life on the run to avoid being recruited or killed by Voldemort. He righted this mistake during the Battle of Hogwarts, rounding up Slytherin students and reinforcements from Hogsmeade to fight the Death Eaters.

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4. Merlin

As his chocolate frog card states, Merlin is the, “Most famous wizard of all time.” He joined the court of King Arthur after attending Hogwarts as a Slytherin. Merlin believed wizards and muggles should live peacefully together, forming the Order of Merlin to fight for Muggle rights. Many Slytherins, to the chagrin of the other houses, take great pride in the fact that the most well-known and powerful wizard was a Slytherin.

5. Draco Malfoy

You might be wondering why I put Harry’s bully on the list. He harassed Harry throughout their school years, called Hermione a mudblood, and fought on the wrong side in the Battle of Hogwarts, so how could I think he’s not evil? Because he was a kid raised in a toxic environment. He modeled the behaviors of his father and made bad choices based on the most influential adults in his life. He wasn’t evil. If you reread the first book, he talks to Harry in the robes shop like an eleven-year-old boy trying to make a new friend. He ultimately chose the right side because he wasn’t evil. He and his wife chose to raise their son without the beliefs their parents had enforced on them.

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