When you come close to your college graduation, you're going to get a lot of questions, like, "What do you plan on doing once you graduate?" or "Have you applied for any jobs yet?" My personal favorite is "Why don't you have a husband?"
One thing I've been preaching for the last year is that at 21 years old, I don't have to have any of that figured out. Here are 5 reasons why according to "Deadpool."
1. You've only lived about a fourth of your life.
At 21 (or 22 depending on your birthday), you've only lived a fourth of your life-expectancy. There's no way you're going to have your entire life and entire career planned out.
2. People change.
You are not going to be the same person in 10 years that you are right now in college. Embrace your youth.
3. You haven't experienced everything yet.
There are places you haven't seen, people you haven't met, food you haven't eaten. Why settle down at a desk now? Travel the world. Experience everything!
4. Getting a ring by spring is not a priority.
You have plenty of time to find your significant other. When you search and search for them, it usually takes even longer to find them. So experience life, stop searching and wait for your life partner to find you.
5. Having life figured out and sitting at a dead-end job is boring.
You don't want to be 20-something in a dead-end job chained to your desk all day with a burning wanderlust. You will make yourself miserable.
Now, I'm not saying you should move back into your parents' basement and bum off mom. You should definitely support yourself, but if that means living in a tiny apartment and working a random job, so be it. Just be a happy 21 (or 22)-year-old. Live your life. Experience the world around you. There's always plenty of time for settling down.