5 Reasons To Wear A Mask
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Health and Wellness

5 Reasons To Put The Damn Mask On, And Stop Fussing With It

COVID-19 is real people, do your part to protect yourself and others.

5 Reasons To Put The Damn Mask On, And Stop Fussing With It
Ilana Stein

With the ever-changing reality of our world due to COVID-19, there has been one constant throughout these past unforeseen months, masks. Ever since coronavirus hit the ground running in the US, the CDC has been recommending social distancing and mask-wearing to stop the rapid spread.

Many people have been great about adhering to these policies, mandates, and suggested uses, but others, not so much.

I am here to tell everyone that this pandemic should not be taken lightly and even if you think you're doing everything right and taking all the precautions, you or someone you know may very well be coronavirus' next target, unfortunately. To help convince you to take these safety guidelines seriously and keep you and the people you love safe, here are five reasons you should just wear your mask.

1. It’s bigger than just you

The most important thing I can say I have witnessed is that although one person may be young or healthy and can fight off COVID-19 should they contract it, some people are not healthy enough to beat it. Everyone understands that masks can often be uncomfortable or hard to breathe in, but it is just a piece of fabric. Fidgeting with it is defeating the purpose. Your mask, although it covers your mouth and nose, is on your face. So, when you fuss with your mask, touch it, wear it as a chin strap, or anything else of this nature, it's not helping you or anyone else. A good mask, a good piece of fabric, in today's climate may save you from spreading your asymptomatic case of coronavirus, that you're unaware of, to someone who will not be able to recover.

2. Mask-wearing does not infringe upon your rights

I do not care what anyone has said, mandating masks during a highly contagious international pandemic is not an infringement of rights. Masks are for the greater good. A good, customary mask is used not only to help keep your germs away from others but to keep others germs away from you. If scientists who do this kind of research for a living are saying masks (coupled with social distancing) is the best way to protect yourself, aside from just staying home completely (which is not always feasible, because of essential businesses), just stinkin' do it. You can watch these videos, in order, to see why masks are so important and to see if yours is effective.

3. This virus is so unpredictable

Although there is said to be so many strands of coronavirus, COVID-19, in particular, is a very young virus. While only being discovered overseas a little under a year ago, there are still so many unknowns. All we know for sure is it is contagious, it is dangerous, and it cannot be controlled right now. While scientists continuously do research, find cures, formulate vaccines, and come up with quick temporary fixes, for now, we are so unsure of what this virus is capable of.

There is talk of immunity, being that once you get it you can't get it again, and there is y'all of possible long-term repercussions, among other ideas and gossip. I cannot confirm any of these theories, and that is the problem in itself. So many people think they know all about COVID-19 from their daily social media scrolling, or because they had it, but truth be told, no one has all the answers right now. COVID-19 is so contagious and unpredictable that it is shutting down businesses, schools, and so many more aspects of everyday life. We need to take into account this unpredictability and start taking these safety measures and precautions seriously.

4. You, your family, and your friends’ health is at stake

It may not be a big concern to you now because it's been virtually 5-6 months and you have been fine, along with all the people you care about. You know the virus is real because they're closing schools and camps and tragic stories are all over the news and the internet, but it hasn't impacted you, so you don't take it seriously. Do not make this mistake, trust me. All it takes is one asymptomatic or symptomatic, irresponsible person to be where you are while you're not washing your hands properly or practicing social distancing to give you a hard reality check. Before you leave your house without a mask to go make that one Target run because you just have to get out of the house, think about yourself and those that you care about...don't you wanna keep them safe and healthy?

5. Having COVID-19 sucks

Yes, unfortunately, I am in fact speaking from experience. Take it from someone who had COVID and whose family took a hit from it as well, you do not want this virus. It may not be as bad as you'd imagine, or it might be worse. Regardless of how your body decides to handle this virus, it still wears you out and seriously confines you to your home which is less than ideal.

In the words of Cardi B, "coronavirus, shit is real!" and boy was she right. Please be safe, wear your masks, wash your hands, stay home if it's not essential, and social distance at all times. Be well, everyone!!

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