5 Movies To Watch Around Halloween
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5 Movies To Watch Around Halloween

Put a little fright in your movie night!

5 Movies To Watch Around Halloween
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Halloween is an awesome holiday. Candy, costumes, and parties abound! Halloween happens to be in the fall as well, meaning that chillier nights can lead to staying inside and movie nights. Why not watch one of these spooky and fun movies to stay in the Halloween spirit? So grab that bag of mini snickers and sit back! Witches and vampires and zombies, oh my!

1. "Hocus Pocus" (1993)

This has got to be my favorite Halloween movie of all time. Follow Max (Omri Katz) and his younger sister Dani (Thora Birch) as they embark on a Halloween adventure that they will never forget. Bette Midler joins the cast as one of the scary witches out to get the young adventurers. She brings her musical talent to the film, giving us scenes that make us want to dance and sing. The film is as funny as it is spooky so if you want to maintain the Halloween spirit while watching a fun movie, watch Hocus Pocus.

2. "Fright Night" (1985)

This classic '80s horror film is perfect for a spooky late night feature. This thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat as you watch Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) investigate his creepy new neighbor Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon). While it can get a little bloody and gory don’t let it deter you. This movie is super intense; perfect to watch around Halloween. This movie sure will put the fright in your night!

3. "Shaun of the Dead" (2004)

Funny from start to finish, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost star as two regular buddies who find themselves in the midst of the zombie apocalypse. Join them in their battle and see who is left alive as the characters find themselves thrust from predictable day jobs into the unpredictable world of the undead. This film is rated R so it may not be for everyone but it will keep you in the spirit of Halloween!

4. "Halloweentown" (1998)

Halloweentown is a fun movie for kids of all ages. This Disney movie played every Halloween on the Disney Channel when I was a kid and continues to be shown. We all want to be a witch in training who must protect a supernatural town. Light, fun, and obviously centered around Halloween, this movie will make you smile and reflect on your own childhood Halloween experiences. For a lighter Halloween movie, watch Halloweentown!

5. "Young Frankenstein" (1974)

This movie was played in my house every October for as long as I can remember. This film explores the life of the grandson of Dr. Frankenstein, the creator of the infamous character “Frankenstein’s Monster” who has become part of Halloween culture. Directed by Mel Brooks, this amazing comedy stars the late Gene Wilder as Frederick Frankenstein. The spookiness of Transylvania and the possibility of returning life to a dead body solidify this movie as a Halloween classic. Watch this movie in honor of Gene Wilder this Halloween. It’ll make you laugh!

Grab some candy, a blanket, and watch some of these awesome Halloween movies this October!

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