"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." -- Walt Disney
Mr. Disney wanted the world to come to this park and feel joy, to be able to let your inner child run free. Oh boy has he achieved that. I wanted to start this article with a quote from the man that gave us this second home because without him, I wouldn't be able to eat mouse shaped food while traveling through space.
I know that when I go to Disneyland my mind goes a million miles an hour due to all the magic that is happening around me. My senses are suddenly aware to everything and everyone. Here is a list of some of the things that will run through your mind when you enter the happiest place on earth.
1. (Enters the parking garage.) So magical.
2. Ugh, the tram line is forever.
3. Should I get a churro or a dole whip first?

4. Security even has a long line.
5. OK I made it through security and only like four people tried to bring a selfie-stick in.
6. I'm at Disneyland.
7. OK, chill, you’re here all day.
8. Should I get in line or get a fast pass?
9. OMG, Main Street.
10. Am I even going to have lunch? Or just snack until dinner?
11. Was that a celebrity?
12. I wonder if the Dapper Dans are out?
13. Oh, I got to get my picture in front of the castle.
14. Excuse me world, but you can’t just stop in the middle of a walkway.
15. Haunted Mansion is only a 10-minute wait! (Starts sprinting from Tomorrowland to get in line.)
16. Should I have worn my other Minnie ears?
17. Why isn’t the line moving?
18. I don’t think that was a celebrity…
19. I must get a Dole-Whip.
20. I’m ready to become the next happy haunt.
21. I should get a fast pass for Indiana Jones next.
22. Do they give out fast passes to his heart because Harrison is bad?
23. No, that was definitely that one guy from that one show.
24. "Soundsational."
25. I haven’t eaten a real meal since 8 a.m.
26. I forgot I wanted to start pin trading.
27. Maybe I can sneak my way into Club 33.
28. I’ll start pin trading next time.
29. Wow, those ears are really cute.
30. I wonder if I am crafty enough to make ears?
31. I probably shouldn’t be trusted with a hot glue gun.
32. Yay, paint the night!
33. I wonder how much the electricity bill is here?
34. When can we do this again?
35. I got to get my spot for prime firework viewing!
36. Or should I go ride Space Mountain while the world watches the fireworks?
37. Never mind, Space is closed…again.
38. I don't want to go home.
39. I am really tired though.
40. I'll see you real soon.
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