40 Signs You Go To Ramapo College
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40 Signs You Go To Ramapo College


40 Signs You Go To Ramapo College
Ramapo College of New Jersey Wikipedia

You know you go or have gone to Ramapo College if any of these apply to you. You'll never forget the commuter struggles, or the stress of registering for classes in either November or March. But, hey, it's all part of the Roadrunner experience!

1. You know who/what the Ramahog is, and where to find him.

via Twitter @tomtom12095

2. Pine Hall is supposedly always "lit."

via Giphy

3. You know about the cats that live outside Birch Mansion and have attempted to feed them.

via GifsGallery

4. You have had at least one professor who made you come to class even though it was snowing.

via Death & Taxes Magazine

5. You know at least 10 commuters.

via Gifsoup

6. You've parked at the tennis courts across the street, only to realize it's really the same distance as the commuter lot.

via Goodreads

7. You have had at least one conversation with the guard at the gate house and decided he was the nicest human being at Ramapo.

via Google Maps

8. You have talked to two alums, one who loved it and one who hated it.

via Buzzfeed

9. If you commute, you have spent 213 hours at Ramapo looking for parking (seriously, do the math).

via Imgflip

10. You have had the free popcorn from J.Lee's.

via CBC

11. You have had a run-in with Public Safety.

via Animal Jam Wikia

12. You know who P-Money is.

via NJ.com

13. You have gone on Yik Yak at least once, then deleted it, then re-downloaded it.

via Yik Yak

14. You question if those rendezvous that occur on Yik Yak actually happen IRL.

via Gif Sec

15. You signed up for an 8 a.m., questioned your sanity, promised to never do it again, yet ended up with all 8 a.m.'s the next semester.

via Risdall

16. Nobody seems to know the hours of late night at Birch.

via Pinterest

17. Trying to register for the classes you want is like trying to get tickets to a Superbowl/Beyonce concert mash-up hosted by Ellen Degeneres & Conan O'Brien.

via Time

18. You've taken one fun class outside of your major (i.e. Clowning & Comedy, Gospel Chorus, or Astronomy).

via Huffington Post

19. You didn't know there was a fake Starbucks in the Berrie Center until you were a sophomore.

via Giphy

20. You have extended your commute to class by only using the indoor corridors to avoid being outside in the winter.

via Giphy

21. You have eaten at either Mahwah Bar & Grill, Mason Jar, Bagel Train, Cars, Chipotle, or Sonny & Tony's.

via Tumblr

22. You were happy when they eradicated CECs.

via Pinterest

23. Getting the Alert Me Now text saying that you have a snow day is like getting your acceptance letter to Hogwarts.

via The Daily Touch

24. You have gone to random club meetings for free food.

via Buzzfeed

25. If you're commuting from 17, you love passing the horse farm on your way to Ramapo.

via Trotter Girl Deviant Art

26. You occasionally wonder what Ramapo would be like if we had Division 1 sports.

via Sheldon's Fans

27. Going to the bookstore during the start/end of any semester is asking to be there for at least an hour.

via Hyrising

28. You have been forced to go to an event at Friend's Hall.

via Disney Create Wiki

29. In the commuter lot, someone has snaked a parking spot from you even though you have been waiting for 10 minutes with your blinker on.

via Make a Gif

30. You love the wildlife at Ramapo, but their poop is everywhere and you hate stepping in it.

via Walking Dead Wikia

31. Paycaf looks so much better now, but you are still on the fence about the food.

via Penn State

32. You have seen at least one fire pit in the woods behind the Village.

via Dreamscape Hardscape

33. You have gone hiking at Ramapo Reservation, particularly in the fall to see the leaves change (#Instagram).

via The Orchid Source

34. If you go to any school-sponsored event where there will be food, you know it's always penne vodka, meatballs, salad with balsamic vinaigrette, and bread rolls. Dessert is always either cookies, cheesecake or chocolate cake.

via Gifs Gallery

35. When Thanksgiving break rolls around, you know you're in the homestretch.

via Who Say

36. Right when you need something printed, all of the computer labs are packed.

via Abiroux Tumblr

37. You have eaten the rice pudding at Paycaf, only to realize it tastes like dust.

via Gifs Gallery

38. You have received multiple bear sighting alerts within the same week, and it always seems to be near you. (#RunForrestRun)

via Gifs Gallery

39. You don't know where the Registrar's or Bursar's Office is.

via Gif Smile

40. You still don't know why we are the Roadrunners.

via Buzzfeed

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